Representative John Spratt, Proudly serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol

News Releases

White House Forecasts $333 Billion Budget Deficit, Third Largest in History

WASHINGTON - The White House today forecast another big budget deficit - $333 billion.

U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC), Ranking Member on the House Budget Committee, had this reaction:

“While everyone welcomes the news that the deficit seems to be smaller than the Bush Administration forecast last February, this news needs to be put in perspective.  Over the last three years, the Bush Administration has posted the three worst deficits in history, and though the deficit for 2005 is improved, it remains the third largest on record.

"The Bush Administration will tout today’s numbers as progress, but today’s estimate is $600 billion below the $269 billion surplus for 2005 that this Administration projected when it sent its first budget to Congress in 2001.

"While the government’s budget is, to some extent, a victim of circumstances not foreseen – of recession, terrorism, and war – today’s deficits result from tax and spending policies that were deliberately chosen.  To show that these results are not inevitable, House Democrats brought forth a budget that returns to balance by 2012, and we continue to advocate a reinstatement of the budget process rules that helped us move the budget to an actual surplus of $236 billion five short years ago.

"Despite claims of progress, the Administration has not put forward a plan to bring the budget back to balance."

Listen to Rep. Spratt's remarks at a Capitol Hill news conference.

Read the detailed analysis from House Budget Committee Democrats.
