Representative John Spratt, Proudly serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol

News Release

House Passes Bill in Honor of John R. Justice

WASHINGTON – The House has passed a bill entitled the “John R. Justice Prosecutors and Defenders Incentive Act.”  The bill was named in honor of John R. Justice, Solicitor for the 6th Judicial Circuit in Chester, who died last September at age 63.

U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) spoke on the floor in support of the bill, which authorizes $150 million over the next six years for a new Justice Department program to help new prosecutors and public defenders pay back student loans.

“John Justice was an outstanding solicitor, and became president of the National District Attorneys Association,” said Spratt.  “He was a long-time advocate of ways to help prosecutors and public defenders bear the burden of student loan debt. This bill is a culmination of his efforts and a tribute to him.”

In order to be eligible for loan repayment, the bill requires attorneys to enter into a contract with the Justice Department requiring them to work as prosecutors or public defenders for at least three years. The department then makes direct payments toward student loans. If attorneys leave the job or are fired without completing three years' employment, they have to pay back the full amount of any loan repayments the department had made on their behalf. At the end of the three-year term, an attorney can enter into a subsequent employment agreement and continue to receive loan repayment benefits.

The bill limits loan repayments to $10,000 per attorney in a calendar year, with a total loan reimbursement of no more than $60,000 for any individual. It directs the department to give priority in loan repayment benefits to individuals who are least able to repay student debt, or to attorneys who received loan repayment in the previous fiscal year and are still employed under their first three-year contract with the department.

The bill authorizes $25 million in each of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 for the loan repayment program, and specifies that the department could make loan repayments only subject to the availability of appropriated funds.

“John Justice would tell you, were he here, that prosecutors and public defenders have a hard time recruiting and retaining talented young attorneys.  Salaries for new public defenders often aren’t enough to cover living expenses plus pay student loan debt.  This bill will help them meet their obligations and serve the public both. It is a great tribute to a great guy, John Justice.”
