Representative John Spratt, Proudly serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol

News Release

Spratt Honors Community Colleges

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) honored the nation’s community colleges by cosponsoring National Community College Month, H. Res. 334.  The House passed the resolution on May 1.

“South Carolina is home to 21 excellent community colleges,” said Spratt.  “This resolution congratulates the colleges and their students, governing boards, and faculty and staff, for their contributions to education and workforce development.  I was pleased to cosponsor the resolution and see it pass the House.”

South Carolina’s community colleges include 16 technical colleges in the South Carolina Technical College System, four two-year campuses in the University of South Carolina system, and Spartanburg Methodist College.

“In these schools, classes are typically small and students get a lot of individual attention.  It’s a good foundation for students who want to go on the job market or continue their studies,” Spratt said.

Since the first community college was established in 1901, community colleges have educated more than 100 million people nationwide.
