Representative John Spratt, Proudly serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol

News Releases

Spratt Re-Elected Budget Leader in Congress

WASHINGTON - The Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives today re-elected U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) as the Ranking Member on the Budget Committee.

“One of my goals is to get the government back on the path to a balanced budget, “ said Spratt.  “When we wrote the Balanced Budget Act, we showed that we can put the budget in balance and protect priorities like Social Security, education, health care, and the environment.  I want to see us balance our priorities as well.”

In addition to serving as the top Democrat on the Budget Committee, Spratt sits one seat from the chair of the Armed Services Committee.  He is also the Assistant to the Democratic Leader in the House, and he co-chairs the Textile Caucus, the Bearing Caucus, and the Nuclear Energy Caucus.

John Spratt made his first mark in Congress on the Armed Services Committee, but over the years he has been a leader in shaping the federal budget.  One of his proudest accomplishments is the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, which put the federal budget in surplus for the first time in thirty years.

Congressional Quarterly magazine has cited John Spratt as a key leader in Congress, saying,  “Having proven himself to be an influential member of the House minority on defense and budget issues, John M. Spratt Jr. is positioned at the crossroads of many of the biggest decisions facing the War Congress.  His grasp of detail in both areas and his moderate views have elevated his leverage.  Republicans view Spratt as one of the Democrats with whom they can work at times.  He remains a bellwether vote for the block of Democratic moderates who can make the difference on crucial votes in a closely divided Congress.”

“I know this will be a tough assignment,” said Spratt, “but I am grateful for the opportunity that my constituents and congressional colleagues have given me, and look forward to the challenge.”
