Representative John Spratt, Proudly serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol

News Release

Spratt Announces High School Art Winners

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) announced today the winners of the annual high school art competition, An Artistic Discovery.

The contest drew 42 entries from 11 schools in the 5th Congressional District of South Carolina.  Beverly Smith, a Winthrop University graduate student and high school art teacher, judged the show, which Spratt opened on Sunday at Clinton Junior College in Rock Hill.  The art will be on display there through May 20.  The first-place entry will then move to Washington, where it will be displayed for a year in a House office building corridor, along with other top entries nationwide.

1st Place – Jonathon Lowery, Northwestern High School.  Art:  Mixed Media.  “Self Portrait.”  Grade: 12.  Parents: Shawn Lowery and Ann Robinson.

2nd Place – Shannon Trueman, Fort Mill High School.  Art:  Photography.  “The Window to your World.”  Grade: 12.  Parents: Martha and Barry Trueman.

3rd Place – Madeline Mikolon, Fort Mill High School.  Art:  Tempera Paint.  “Dynamics.”  Grade: 10.  Parent: Darcy Mikolon.

Honorable Mention
Olivia Reburn, Northwestern High School
Jordan Randall, Northwestern High School
Kellie Hernandez, Northwestern High School
Kelsey Fincher, Northwestern High School
Lindsay Rogerson, Sumter High School
Gusta Ellison, Wilson Hall Academy

Spratt thanked everyone who submitted an entry and helped with the event, and he extended congratulations to the top three winners and to the students who won honorable mention for their art.

“I look forward to this competition every year,” said Spratt.  “And every year, the entries are impressive.  They prove the value of making art a part of our school curricula.”




































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