Representative John Spratt, Proudly Serving the People of the 5th District of South Carolina image of Capitol


The Administration for Children and Families provides the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse website with Internet resources on adoption. MedlinePlus , a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, also provides information on adoption.

For families seeking information on adopting children from other countries, the State Department Office of Children's Issues provides information about the adoption process in over 60 countries. The  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service provides helpful information on the immigration process for foreign born children.

Adoption is essentially a private legal matter of which I cannot provide legal advice or intervene in a legal proceeding. However, in matters involving an international adoption, my office can assist families who are in need of assistance with the visa or immigration processes. If you are having a specific problem with a federal agency, information on how to open a case file can be found on my casework web page.

I hope you will find the resources on this page helpful in your search for information. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact my office.

Adoption Resources

National Adoption Information Clearinghouse
Adoption (MedlinePlus)
Social Security for Grandchildren Adopted by the Grandparent
FirstGov Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
IRS - Adoption Credit

International Adoption

Office of Children's Issues - International Adoption
International Adoption Booklet
The Immigration of Adopted and Prospective Adoptive Children
Inter-Country Adoptions
Child Citizenship Act Backgrounder-Information for Adoptive Parents
How do I apply to bring a foreign-born orphan to the United States?