Cataloging Distribution Service - Bibliographic Products and Services from the Library of Congress

CDS HOME - What's New? - How to Order
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Order Form for Classification Web

  1. Procedures for new and renewing subscribers.

    1. Renewing subscribers are not required to complete the end-user agreement process a second time and need only download the Ordering Instructions and the Order Form.

    2. New subscribers should download the Ordering Instructions, Order Form, and may also wish to download the Terms and Conditions agreement for review. (CDS does not require a signed, hard-copy agreement.)

  2. Procedure for obtaining a trial account.
    1. Download the Ordering Instructions, Order Form, and you may also wish to download the Terms and Conditions agreement for review. (Only the click-through method for accepting the Terms and Conditions is available for trial accounts.)

    2. Complete the Order Form and forward it to CDS as instructed in the form.

  3. Process for obtaining the Class Web Order Form and Terms and Conditions agreement online.

    1. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher if you do not already have a copy on your computer. To download the latest Reader, click on this Adobe Acrobat Reader icon and follow the instructions found on the Adobe site.

    2. Click on the files that you require below and save them to the hard drive of your computer.

    3. The Class Web order form is designed so that it may be completed by typing in the information while viewing it on the Acrobat Reader. You may want to print this file first for review and then open it again to complete the order form.

    4. Forward all parts of your order to CDS in accordance with the accompanying instructions.

Classification Web
Ordering Instructions


Classification Web Order Form


Classification Web
End-User Terms and Conditions (For new subscriber review.)


  1. Those customers unable to download and open the files in an Acrobat Reader may contact CDS to have the information faxed to them.

    (It is to your advantage to download the Acrobat files for both speed in access and the convenience of completing the form in Acrobat.)

Library of Congress
Cataloging Distribution Service

Customer Services Section
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20541-4912 USA

Phone: (800) 255-3666 (US only)
or (202) 707-6100
Fax: (202) 707-1334
TDD: (202) 707-0012

Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. (EST), Monday-Friday, except holidays.

Available from the Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress |