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SACO-At-Large Midwinter Meeting 2009

Denver, Colorado
January 25, 2009
11:15 A.M. - 12:00 Noon
Colorado Convention Center, Room 403

  1. SACO Program Status and Workflow Changes (John N. Mitchell, LC Coop) (12 minutes)
  2. Report from the SACO Representative to the PoCo (David Miller, Curry College) (5 minutes)
  3. Form/Genre Projects (Statement prepared by Paul Frank, LC Coop)
    Announcement about Form/Genre Project (Janis Young, PSD, LC) (10 minutes)
  4. Training: (4 minutes)
    Basic Subject Cataloging Using LCSH
    Fundamentals of LC Classification
  5. SKOS: LCSH availability on the Web (10 minutes)
    Statement prepared by Janis Young, Policy and Standards Division, LC
  6. Future SACO-At-Large Meetings: (4 minutes)
    Panel Discussion: Impact of FRBR, FRSAR, and RDA on Subject Cataloging
    Solitication of other future topics
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  January 21, 2009
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