Bruce A. Shapiro, Principal Investigator

Computational RNA Structure Group, CCRNP

Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
Center for Cancer Research, NCI-Frederick, NIH
Building 469, Room 150A
Frederick MD 21702
Phone: 301-846-5536
FAX: 301-846-5598

Dr. Bruce A. Shapiro has been associated with the National Institutes of Health since 1973. He has been with the Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program (previously the Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology), National Cancer Institute since 1983. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland in 1978 with undergraduate training in mathematics and physics. During his association with the National Institutes of Health Dr. Shapiro has done extensive work in image processing, nucleic acid structure prediction and analysis. This work has lead to several algorithms, computer systems and understanding of RNA based biological systems.

Research Areas: 1) nucleic acid structure prediction, 2) nucleic acid structure analysis 3) nanobiology 4) high performance computational biology, 5) genetic algorithms, 6) molecular dynamics, 7) structural databases, 8) bioinformatics, 9) sequence comparison, 10) image analysis


Last revised on $Date: 2006/4/25 15:00:00 $ / by B. Shapiro

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