
download diffhtml

usage: diffhtml a b [html]

Use the unix sdiff to make an html page showing the differences between files a and b. The results are in the [html] file. If no [html] file is given, results are in /tmp/[your-user-id].diffhtml. Mozilla is launched to the page created. The raw sdiff is in /tmp/[your-user-id].hold.diffhtml. The program was inspired by WinMerge: http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/



File a
This is a file.
The second line.
another line.
a line to be altered.
extra line here
ANOTHER extra line here
final line

File b
This is a file.
The second line.
extra line inserted here
another line.
a line to be changed.

final line

diffhtml a.diffhtml b.diffhtml

File a                                 |  File b
This is a file.                           This is a file.
The second line.                          The second line.
                                       >  extra line inserted here
another line.                             another line.
a line to be altered.                  |  a line to be changed.
extra line here                        |  
ANOTHER extra line here                <  
final line                                final line

Directories can be summarized in a single page using the diffdirhtml script. This uses a recursive method similar to diffdir.

Discussion: linux

Schneider Lab

origin: 2005 Jul 11
updated: 2005 Jul 12