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Summit Agenda

Opening Ceremonies

Breakout Sessions

Breakout Summaries

Perspectives for Future Actions

Overarching Themes

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Session I
* Part 1
* Part 2
Session II
* Part 1
* Part 2
Session III
Session IV
Session V
Session VI
* Group A
* Group B
Session VII
* Group C
* Group D
* Group E
Session VIII
* Group F
* Group G
Session IX
Session X




Breakout Session X—Behavior Change and Lifestyle Improvements

Purpose: Behavior changes are key to many of the goals that we are trying to achieve for a healthy lifestyle. We have learned a lot during the past 30 to 50 years, yet gaps remain. Increasingly, public health efforts need to use public/private partnerships as key vehicles for improving behaviors for a healthier lifestyle.

Moderator: Cutberto Garza, Cornell University


  • Linking Science to Action: What Do We Know About Elements of Successful Behavior Change Across the Lifespan?
    Janet King, Western Human Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Prototypes of Interventions, Including Public/Private Partnerships for Behavior Change: What Are the Implications for a Wider Audience?
    James O. Hill, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
    Susan T. Borra, International Food Information Council
    Ricardo Uauy, University of Chile
  • Community Level Approaches to Behavior Change: What Have We Learned?
    Margaret Bogle, Cooperative Extension Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

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