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Grants Awarded in Response to RFA CA98-027
Director's Challenge: Toward a Molecular Classification of Tumors

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C. Marcelo Aldaz, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
"Gene Expression Signature of Early Breast Cancer"

Abstract: The primary objective of this Program Project is to generate a highly comprehensive gene expression profile of a critical early stage in human breast cancer evolution. We will specifically focus our studies to compare sets of lymph node negative (LNN) breast cancer that, although having identical morphological and histopathological characteristics, will follow significantly different clinical courses. It is of critical importance to identify prognostic factors that would assist in the decision of whether to subject LNN breast cancer patients to postsurgical systemic adjuvant treatment. Thus there is much interest in the identification and development of such prognostic tools that would allow us to better estimate the risk of disease recurrence.

Our overall hypothesis is that clues to the prognosis of these lesions are reflected at the time of surgical removal in the pattern of gene expression in the primary tumor. Our ultimate goal is to identify specific "gene expression signature profiles" that define subsets of tumors and that ultimately will allow us to predict the clinical course of lymph node negative breast cancers.

For this Program Project, we have assembled a unique team of oncologist, pathologist, molecular biologists, statisticians, computer programmers and we count with the unique patient and sample resources available at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

A major highlight of our studies is that two technologies - one comprehensive and one targeted - are integrated to give us a higher probability of finding key components of the molecular signatures. We feel that these state-of the-art tools are uniquely suited to the task at hand: the discovery of molecular signatures. Different tools may be chosen ultimately for the analysis of gene expression signature profiles in a rapid fashion in a clinical pathology laboratory setting.

Three important intermediate goals will also be achieved in the course of this Program. First, we will cross validate two complementary gene expression technologies to obtain the most comprehensive, accurate and robust picture of the gene expression profile of lymph node negative breast cancer. Second, we will develop new, more useful statistical models, methods and software for the analysis and interpretation of global gene expression profiles. Third, we will develop an understanding of the contribution of different cell types to the overall expression profiles of breast tumors, in order to address problems of tumor heterogeneity.

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Leonard H. Augenlicht, Montefiore Medical Center

"Molecular Classification of Colon Tumors"

Abstract: The Albert Einstein Cancer Center has bean in the forefront of development of technologies for the analysis of gene expression, beginning with the first large scale gene array and image analysis systems developed over a decade ago, and continuing to high throughput genomics facilities for microarray analysis, mapping and sequencing, and novel technologies for quantitative in situ analysis of multiple mRNA molecules at single molecule resolution and sensitivity.

An integrated program utilizing these technologies is presented that focuses on identifying subsets of Dukes' B2 and C colon cancer patients, an area of basic and clinical research in which we have bean active throughout this decade. Approximately 50,000 patients per year will have adjuvant chemotherapy recommended following resection, and there is a critical need to distinguish subsets who will benefit from this treatment from subsets who either do not require further treatment, or who will not benefit, and should be spared the expense and toxicity of treatment. The latter patients with poor prognosis would also be candidates for more aggressive treatment, including gene therapy. Patients will be identified and tissue obtained through a collaborative program among the Departments of Surgery, Pathology and Oncology for capturing and following patients on clinical trials.

A unique feature of our application is our development and analysis of extensive microarray databases on lineage specific differentiation of colonic epithelial calls both accompanied by, or independent of, apoptotic pathways, and our microarray analysis of isogenic colonic cell lines that over-express c-myc mRNA and protein to differing degrees. These in vitro data provide biological rationales which will help guide analyses of the in vivo data.

In addition to fully operational facilities, other unique features of our program include the use of "Real Time" PCR for microarray calibration and quality control, and analysis of tissue obtained by laser capture microscopy; linkage to major programs in structural genomics and development and analysis of novel mouse models of colon cancer; an in place bioinformatical program which services the genomics and genetics programs of the Cancer Center; the collaboration of a biostatistics group with extensive experience in basic and translational research for the planning and analysis of the experiments; and a resource of banked normal and tumor DNA from over 700 patients entered into 2 phase III studies of adjuvant therapy for colon cancer, including the last multi-institutional study for which there is a control arm for analysis of the natural history of the disease, which will permit rigorous analysis of structural gene alterations that may underlie alterations in expression.

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Jeffrey A. Boyd, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research

"Molecular Classification of Ovarian Cancers"

Abstract: Epithelial ovarian carcinoma is the leading cause of mortality among all gynecologic cancers. Poor survival rates associated with this malignancy are attributable to a frequently advanced stage at diagnosis and the inability to successively treat most cases of advanced stage disease using current standards of surgery and chemotherapy. While there are a number of clinical, surgical outcome, and histopathological variables that correlate with prognosis for ovarian cancer, there exists wide variation in the length of recurrence-free interval and survival among typical cases, i.e., post-menopausal women with moderately to poorly differentiated serous tumors of advanced surgical stage. This heterogeneity in clinical outcome presumably reflects differences in the underlying molecular genetic characteristics of individual cancers, but the molecular basis of ovarian cancer remains largely obscure. Thus, the long-term goal of this project is to address the hypothesis that a comprehensive molecular genetic classification of ovarian cancer will improve our ability to predict clinical outcome, specifically with regard to duration of recurrence-free interval following chemotherapy, and survival. Furthermore, elucidation of the molecular determinants of these clinical outcome parameters should provide substantial insights into the biological basis of ovarian tumorigenesis, as well as suggest potential new targets or strategies for ovarian cancer therapy. We propose that this goal may be accomplished through the systematic application of new, comprehensive molecular screening methodologies, specifically, use of cDNA microarrays for gene expression analysis and comparative genomic hybridization for genetic analysis, together with a large ovarian cancer tissue resource linked to extensive surgical, histopathological, and clinical data. The specific aims of this project are to: 1) obtain RNA expression profiles of a large number of ovarian cancers using cDNA microarrays to identify subgroups assembled by expression characteristics; 2) obtain comprehensive information concerning chromosomal imbalances in ovarian cancers by performing comparative genomic hybridizations on the same samples; 3) define distinct molecular and genetic subsets of ovarian cancer that will predict time to recurrence following chemotherapy, and survival, by correlating these molecular and genetic observations with clinical and pathological outcomes; and 4) confirm and refine observations from specific aims one and two using targeted assays and the development of tissue-based approaches. These aims will be accomplished by a National Cooperative Tumor Signature Group with expertise in molecular biology, genetics, cDNA and tissue array technology, bioinformatics, gynecologic oncology and pathology.

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Patrick O. Brown, Stanford University School of Medicine

"A Cancer Taxonomy Based on Gene Expression Patterns"

Abstract: Current systems for classification of cancer group together tumors with important differences in clinical behavior. As might have been expected from the manifest diversity in clinical behavior, we have found that there is enormous variation in gene expression patterns in tumors that would classically be grouped together. The variation among tumors in global gene expression patterns is, however, orderly and systematic and it provides a distinctive and reproducible signature for each patient s tumor, and even paints a picture of their biological differences. Moreover, we have found that variation in expression profiles can highlight unrecognized similarities and differences among tumors, and can provide a basis for systematic clustering of subsets of tumors. We therefore believe that underlying the apparent heterogeneity among cancers that we currently call by the same name, there may be a systematic taxonomy that is not readily apparent from histology or the small set of markers usually used to define subgroups of tumors. We propose to characterize the molecular variations among cancers of the breast, prostate, brain, and liver, by systematically and quantitatively measuring variation in transcript abundance for at least 20,000 different genes, in several hundred independent tumor samples from each of these tumor types. We will use multivariate clustering methods to search for ways to group tumors into clusters that are internally coherent in their expression patterns and thus, we hope, in their clinical behavior. Most of the tumor samples that are now available for the large retrospective studies that will be required to test the clinical utility of the new taxonomic groups we define are not suitable for analysis of gene expression at the RNA level. They are, however, well suited to immunohistochemical characterization. To make the transition from exploration and discovery of the molecular variation in cancer, to testing its connection to clinical behavior, we therefore propose to identify a large set of genes whose expression pattern varies most, and most independently, among the tumors we study, and raise antibodies against the predicted protein products. These antibodies will be used for immunohistochemistry, to characterize the variation in expression of the corresponding proteins among a diverse set of normal tissues, tumor samples and cultured cell lines. These antibody reagents will then be used for retrospective studies aimed at classifying tumors for which the natural history and treatment response is already known, to determine whether a new cancer taxonomy based on gene expression patterns can successfully order these cancers into groups with distinctive and consistent natural histories and patterns of response to treatment. These antibodies will aid investigations of the molecular pathogenesis of cancer. Some of them may provide a basis for non-invasive screens for early detection of cancers, and others could eventually even be used therapeutically.

Thesaurus Terms: gene expression, neoplasm /cancer classification /staging, neoplasm /cancer genetics, statistics /biometry brain neoplasm, breast neoplasm, cooperative study, genetic registry /resource /referral center, liver neoplasm, molecular biology information system, nucleic acid quantitation /detection, prostate neoplasm clinical research, human data, human genetic material tag, human subject, human tissue, immunocytochemistry, nucleic acid hybridization

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Wing C. Chan, University of Nebraska Medical Center

"Molecular Classification of B-cell Lymphoma"

Abstract: Tumors derived from the same cell type and having similar morphology may nevertheless have a distinctly different clinical behavior and response to therapy. Differences in the genetic lesions in these tumors, as reflected by their gene expression profiles, will provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the divergent clinical spectrum that is observed. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and spectral karyotyping (SKY) are highly complementary novel techniques that examine the entire genome for genetic abnormalities and can supplement and extend conventional cytogenetic studies. In addition, the recently - developed high-density cDNA microarray technology is a very promising method for displaying the pattern of gene expression in tumor tissues. These powerful technologies with their associated informatic systems are now available for translational research. In order to evaluate the information generated by these technologies, an adequate number of well-characterized tumors with detailed clinical data must be available. We propose a multi-institutional, comprehensive molecular analysis of a large series of B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The molecular data obtained will be correlated with the clinical and pathologic information in the extensive databases kept at our institutions to identify clinically and biologically distinct subsets of B- NHL. When unique molecular profiles of clinical and biological significance are identified, we will then define which components within each profile are essential determinants of the clinical features and outcome. Specific confirmatory assays for the expression of key genes, and the cytogenetic abnormalities involving these genes, will be performed. Our longer term goal is to use this information to design a simpler and less expensive microarray for diagnostic use. This "diagnostic chip" could provide rapid molecular characterization of every B-NHL at presentation for optimal treatment decisions and prognostication. We also anticipate the identification of new and significant genetic alterations that will contribute to our understanding of the key events in neoplastic transformation and tumor progression. The insights gained from this project may also identify novel targets for preventive and therapeutic interventions.

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William L. Gerald, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research

"Molecular Classification of Prostate Cancer"

Abstract: Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and affects millions of people. In recent years both the detection and incidence have increased dramatically. The natural history of prostate cancer is enigmatic leading to significant controversies concerning screening tests and proper therapeutic management. The only established systemic therapy for this disease focuses on androgen ablation. Androgen deprivation induces programmed cell death in hormone-dependent prostatic cancer. However, androgen-independent cells are present early in the evolution of prostate cancer and virtually all patients eventually develop androgen-independent tumor, a serious clinical problem for which no effective therapy exists. The mechanisms of development and biochemical pathways that contribute to androgen-independent growth are unknown. Existing classifications of prostate cancer offer little information regarding prognosis or predicted response to therapy for individual patients. Molecular profiles that distinguish androgen-dependent from androgen-independent prostate cancer will provide insight into the critical pathways that regulate tumor growth and response to therapy, and can be used for classification with regard to hormone sensitivity. The overall goal of our research program is to characterize the molecular events underlying the clinical features of prostate cancer and provide a basis for molecular classification and targeted therapy. Comprehensive analyses of a human prostate cancer xenograft have demonstrated that expression levels in large numbers of genes change dramatically in the course of selection for androgen-independent growth. Androgen-independent tumors have a distinct molecular profile resulting from altered expression of many genes, some of which are known to play a role in the androgen signal transduction pathway, but many are of unknown function. Based on this encouraging result we expect that androgen-independent primary human prostate cancer will have a distinct molecular profile. We propose 1) to define molecular profiles that are representative of androgen-independent prostate carcinoma by comprehensive, microarray-based gene expression analysis and comparison of androgen-dependent and androgen independent tumors, 2) to develop robust molecular histopathologic methods to identify and quantitate androgen-dependent and -independent tumor cell subclones within primary human prostate carcinomas for molecular classification of individual tumors, and 3) to analyze the relationship between molecular classification and clinical course of disease in statistically sound retrospective and prospective studies. These studies will provide the basis for an in-depth understanding of the role of androgens in prostate cancer, mechanisms for development of hormone refractory disease and the clinical utility of a molecular classification based on this information.

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Samir M. Hanash, The University of Michigan Medical Center

"Toward a Molecular Classification of Tumors"

Abstract: The University of Michigan has responded to the Director's Challenge with a proposal to utilize an integrated genomic and proteomic approach for DNA and protein analysis, for the molecular classification of tumors. A multi-disciplinary team with expertise in fields including Oncology, Pathology, Molecular Biology, Cancer Prevention, Clinical Trials, of national and international participating groups in place. The targeted tumors consist of a judicious choice of specific groups of colon, lung and ovarian cancers for which current classification schemes are uninformative with respect to the clinical behavior of the tumors. A detailed rationale for inclusion of different tumor types is provided which is based in part on common molecular features including the occurrence of mutations in the same pathogenetically relevant genes in the three tumor types. A special feature of this program is integration of gene expression analysis at both the RNA and protein levels. The program is organized into projects and cores. Each core will serve all projects thus substantially facilitating comparable processing of samples and integration of information across projects. Project one is aimed at devising a molecular classification on stages II and II colon tumors. Another project is aimed at devising a molecular based classification of serious carcinoma of the ovary. The last project is aimed at devising a molecular based classification for tumors that currently belong to stage I adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the ring. The first Core provides administrative support for the program. Another Core provides support for tissue procurement, pathologic evaluation of tissue specimens and tissue microdissection. The next Core is concerned with proteomic analysis of tumors. It is expected that approximately 1000 proteins will be identified in each tumor type and their abundance in individual tumors determined by quantitative two-dimensional electrophoresis. Another Core is concerned with tumor DNA microarray analysis. Initially, DNA microarrays will be utilized for expression profiling and for the analysis of mutant genes. In subsequent years DNA microarrays designed for genomic investigations, including analysis of deletions, amplifications, and methylation status, currently under development in a separate project and at no cost to this program will be utilized. Thus, for a large subset of genes that are expressed in the tumor types investigated, expression will be determined at both the RNA and protein levels. The last Core provides support with bioinformatics and statistical analysis. Internal and external advisory committees will assist in the operation of this program of research. Plans have been put into place for dissemination of data and for addressing issues of intellectual property.

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Steven W. Johnson, University of Pennsylvania

"Molecular Classification of Ovarian Tumors"

Abstract: Ovarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States and is the most fatal gynecologic malignancy. There is a need to be able to accurately predict outcome based on the molecular characteristics of ovarian tumors such as subtype, grade and degree of malignancy. In addition, understanding the molecular basis for the response of tumors to chemotherapy is also important for the design of new treatment regimens and for the identification of new drug targets. Therefore, defining the gene expression or molecular profiles of ovarian tumors will be an important step towards improving diagnosis and treatment. Recently, significant advances have been made in methodologies directed at the identification and quantitation of differentially expressed genes. The technique of cDNA array screening is capable of establishing gene expression profiles for the majority of the genes expressed in the human genome and new developments in "real time" quantitative RT-PCR enable the accurate determination of gene expression levels in tumor specimens and microdissected tissue. Using this technology, we propose to: Specific Aim number 1. Establish comprehensive molecular profiles for ovarian tumors with respect to grade and degree of malignancy using cDNA array screening. This will be a retrospective study in which primary ovarian tumors will be analyzed by standard histologic methods. Messenger RNA will be isolated from the same specimens and used as probes for cDNA array screening. The molecular profiles that are generated will be used to define a set of genes whose expression denotes a specific ovarian tumor grade and degree of malignancy. Specific Aim number 2. Establish comprehensive molecular profiles for ovarian tumors from patients that are either responsive or non-responsive to platinum-based combination chemotherapy. The availability of a molecular profile that predicts patient response to chemotherapy will enable physicians to individualize treatment for ovarian cancer. Also, the identification of genes that are associated with poor prognosis may define targets that will lead to the design of new drugs or treatment regimens. Specific Aim number 3. Validate the molecular profiles established in Specific Aims number 1 and number 2 by applying quantitative assays of gene expression to a statistically significant number of tumor samples representing the same histologic types, outcome and response to chemotherapy. The set of expressed cDNAs that define the type of ovarian tumor and response to chemotherapy will be measured in a statistically significant number of tumor samples representing each phenotype using "real time" quantitative PCR. This high-throughput technology will facilitate the measurement of gene expression in large numbers of tumor specimens and will establish a standard pathologic assay for routine analyses.

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Ching C. Lau, Baylor College of Medicine

"Molecular Classification of Osteosarcoma"

Abstract: Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor in children. Approximately 80 percent of patients present with non-metastatic disease. After the diagnosis is made by a biopsy, treatment involves 3-4 courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy before definitive surgery, followed by post-operative chemotherapy. With currently available treatment, approximately 30-40 percent of patients with non-metastatic disease relapse after therapy. There is no prognostic factor that can be used at the time of diagnosis to predict which patients will have a high risk of relapse. The only significant prognostic factor predicting the outcome in a patient with non-metastatic osteosarcoma is the histopathologic response of the primary tumor resected at the time of definitive surgery. The degree of necrosis in the primary tumor is a reflection of the tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Higher degree of necrosis is associated with lower risk of relapse and therefore better outcome. Patients with lower degree of necrosis have a much higher risk of relapse and poor outcome even after complete resection of the primary tumor. Unfortunately this poor outcome cannot be altered despite modification of post-operative chemotherapy to account for the resistance of the primary tumor to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Thus there is an urgent need to identify prognostic factors that can be used at the time of diagnosis to recognize the subtypes of osteosarcomas patients that have high risk of relapse so that more appropriate chemotherapy can be used at the outset to improve the outcome. We propose to establish a molecular classification system to distinguish such subsets of osteosarcoma based on their gene expression profiles. This project will be a collaboration among several institutions including the Texas Children's Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatric Oncology Branch, NCI, Cancer Genetics Branch, NHGRI, Biometric Research Branch, NCI and Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. We plan to recruit 100 osteosarcoma patients who are receiving the same therapy through a treatment protocol. Using cDNA microarrays, we will investigate the gene expression profiles of the tumor tissues at the time of biopsy and definitive surgery. These profiles will be correlated with clinical outcome. In addition, we also plan to compare the gene expression profiles of the primary tumor and those of the metastatic lesions. The specific aims are: 1. To validate and optimize cDNA microarray technology for gene expression profiling of clinical specimens. 2. To establish the relevant gene expression profiles for molecular classification of osteosarcoma by correlating these profiles with clinical outcome, chemosensitivity, and metastatic potential.

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David M. Livingston, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

"Gene Expression Analysis of Cancers of the Prostate and Lung"

Abstract: The successful treatment of cancer is dependent upon an accurate diagnosis of the tumor. It has become clear that while many tumors appear indistinguishable at the morphological level, they are in fact molecularly distinct, and such molecular distinctions can be predictive of clinical outcome. The present research proposal lays out a strategy for developing a molecular classification system for two of the most common human tumors: adenocarcinoma of the lung and prostate. The classification system will be based upon gene expression profiles obtained using DNA microarray technologies. There are three phases to the proposed project: 1) gene expression data collection for 42,000 genes and ESTs using oligonucleotide arrays for a series of lung and prostate adenocarcinoma patients with known clinical outcome, 2) classification model building using both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and 3) testing of the validity of these models on an independent set of lung and prostate adenocarcinoma samples. It is hoped that the development of a molecular classification system for these common tumors will help to optimize the use of existing anti-cancer therapies, and may also lay the groundwork for the development of new therapeutic strategies targeted to patients with particular subsets of these diseases.

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Sanford D. Markowitz, Ireland Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University

"Gene Expression of Colon Cancers that Metastasize"

Abstract: This proposal will test the hypothesis that differences in patterns of gene expression determine the differing biologic behaviors between colon cancers that are curable with primary surgical therapy and those that ultimately metastasize to the liver and kill. Additionally, we hypothesize that in colon cancer primary tumors, only a minority of cells will be "prometastatic", that is competent to give rise to liver metastases, and that assays of whole primary tumor lysates may thus fail to distinguish the crucial presence or absence of this "prometastatic" subpopulation. To test these hypotheses, Dr. Sanford Markowitz and his colleagues in the cancer genetics program at the Case Western Reserve University-NCI designated Comprehensive Cancer Center have forged a collaboration with Eos Biotechnology, Inc., a leader in gene expression array technology. The collaboration aims to establish an accurate molecular classification of colon cancer by focusing on a unique collection of surgically resected colon cancer liver metastases, all of whose cells have in vivo demonstrated metastatic ability. Using the Affymetrix human 40K GeneChip expression array technology, these investigators will generate a comprehensive description of global gene expression of these liver metastases. Comparing these liver metastases versus control nonmetastatic colon cancers, that were all cured by surgical excision, will specify a set of metastases specific genes whose expression defines a "metastatic signature." The goal of identifying those colon cancer primary tumors that can metastasize will be achieved by showing that they bear "prometastatic" cells recognizable by in situ hybridization assay of "metastatic signature" genes. Project aims are: i) To elucidate the "metastatic signature" by comparing on Affymetrix arrays colon cancer liver metastases versus non-metastatic colon cancer primary tumors. ii) To identify among metastases signature genes those specifying early metastatic events detectable by array analyses of colon cancer primary tumors that did metastasize. iii) To use in situ hybridization to confirm the metastatic signature of liver metastases arises from colon epithelial cells. iv) To use in situ hybridization to detect expression of metastatic signature genes by prometastatic cells in colon cancer primary tumors that are simultaneous with lever metastases or are precursor of liver metastases relapse. v) To use in situ hybridization to determine the areas of maximum concentration of "prometastatic" cells in colon cancer primary tumors. vi) To validate the metastatic signature and show it has prognostic power in an independent validation archive of 350 colon cancers. vii) To develop immunohistochemical assays for detection of the metastatic signature.

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Dan Mercola, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center

"Molecular Characterization of Early Stage Prostate Cancer"

Abstract: This proposal will define a molecular classification schema for organ-confined prostate cancer. The schema will be based on patterns of gene expression and DNA methylation found within prostate tumors and the surrounding stroma. The aim of the project is to create a method for classifying such tumors based on tumor biology rather than simply on histology. The development of a classification schema based on molecular profiles would improve our ability to treat and manage organ-confined prostate cancer. Four complementary approaches to the generation of molecular profiles will be used. Gene expression molecular profiles will be generated using 1) Affymetrix Gene Chip technology and 2) RNA arbitrarily primed (RAP-PCR) based cDNA array analysis. DNA methylation molecular profiles of will be generated using 1) methylation-sensitive array analysis and 2) restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS). The utility and complementarity of each approach in relation to the others will be evaluated. Prospective clinical data will be collected to allow for the correlation of each molecular profile with important tumor characteristics. With the completion of this project we expect that we will have: Defined a molecular profile for organ-confined prostate cancer that will supplant the standard pathologic diagnosis and staging of these tumors. Defined additional profiles that correlate with important clinical characteristics in these patients. Such characteristics should include both important pathologic parameters (i.e. Gleason score, PSA levels, stage), and clinical outcome (likelihood of metastatic disease, likelihood of hormonal, radiation or chemotherapy response, time to progression and survival). Discovering molecular profiles within prostate tumors that prognosticate for patient outcome will greatly improve the quality of life for these patients.

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George K. Michalopoulos, University of Pittsburgh

"Molecular Reclassification of Prostatic Cancer"

Abstract: The main aim of this proposal is to analyze gene expression patterns in cancer of the prostate and to establish correlations with distinct groups of cancer behavior. These cancer subgroups are currently covered under histopathologic diagnoses that do not allow prediction of behavior from morphologic criteria. The studies will allow us to establish a molecular reclassification of prostate cancer based on coordinated expression of groups of specific genes. Complete prostatectomy specimens available in our Western Pennsylvania Prostate Tissue Bank (run by our department of Pathology) will be processed by microdissection and used to extract RNA. This will in turn be processed for analysis through the Affymetrix gene chip set, based on existing active strong and long term commitment of collaboration with the Molecular Oncology team of Hoffman LaRoche, Inc., at Nutley, New Jersey and our department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh. Our tissue bank contains complete and well stratified information that will be used by the bioinformatics teams of HLR and Pitt to provide correlation between coordinated expression of specific gene sets and distinct tumor behavior. We will be processing prostate cancer samples from the following groups: 1. Normal prostate. 2. Prostatic cancer without capsular invasion. 3. Prostatic cancer with capsular invasion that did not progress to systemic disease. 3. Prostatic cancer with capsular invasion that did progress to widespread systemic disease. 4. Metastatic foci. The data from the gene expression analysis will be processed by both the Pitt and the HLR bioinformatics team to provide cohesive and complete correlation from gene expression to clinical behavior, in order to establish new diagnostic groups of prostate cancer based on molecular sub- classification. Subsequent studies will also use the Differential Subtraction Chain technique and Fluorescence In Site Hybridization (FISH) to conduct complete genomic screening of the new sub-classification groups in order to detect genomic abnormalities that correlate with the gene expression patterns in the groups established from the above studies. While altered expression patterns are undoubtedly to become the basis for future tumor diagnostic methodology, repeated paradigms with all types of cancer suggest that the basis for altered gene expression patterns in tumors is the accumulation of genomic alterations linked to tumor progression. The integrated approach of this proposal will allow not only molecular sub-classification of prostate cancer but also establishment of easy to perform diagnostic tools (selective gene expression analysis by Real Time PCR Matrix, detection of genomic abnormality markers, etc.) that can be easily applied as predictors for tumor behavior. Preliminary results already provide strong evidence of correlation between invasive behavior and altered expression of specific genes. These include altered expression of membrane bound proteases and matrix bound growth factors, as well as increase in groups of G-protein linked receptors and the ligands, and decrease in enzymes responsible for their degradation.

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Stanley F. Nelson, UCLA Medical Center

"Gene Expression Based Classification of Glial Tumors"

Abstract: Astrocytic brain tumors are among the most lethal and morbid tumors of adults, often occurring during the prime of life. The current system of diagnosis and classification of brain tumors is partially predictive of outcomes, and remains based primarily upon morphologic criteria. Although recent work has shown a number of genetic differences which are critical in the oncogenesis and progression of astrocytic tumors, there is insufficient data to develop a molecular classification system. The availability of cDNA clones, large amounts of sequence, data and the technology for cDNA arrays provides a platform for the large scale analysis of gene expression in astrocytoma. We propose to identify a set of genes that will allow the molecular characterization of brain tumors by using cDNA microarray technology. Using a flexible microarray format will enable us to easily alter the arrayed genes whose expression patterns are most informative allowing us to create cost-effective glial tumor-related reagents. It is our central hypothesis that a much more detailed analysis of the genes that are expressed in astrocytomas will provide a more precise prognostic ability, subgroup patients for optimal treatment, and help identify appropriate therapeutic targets, subgroups patients for optimal treatment 1) To determine the optimal means of sampling low grade astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomas, and glioblastoma multiformes, to determine the degree of molecular heterogeneity within astrocytic tumors, to determine whether the heterogeneity is greater between tumors than within an individual tumor at each gene, and to determine the level of variance of each gene on the microarray. 2) To determine the gene expression profiles of 120 excisional glioma and meningioma brain tumor biopsies to develop a reclassification of the tumors based on gene expression profiles. 3) To develop a set of genes with prognostic importance in low grade astrocytomas. 4) To validate the importance of the genes from specific aims 2 and 3 in the prognosis of low grade astrocytomas.

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Elizabeth J. Perlman, Children's Memorial Hospital

"Categorization of Wilms Tumor by Genetic Expression"

Abstract: Wilms tumor represents the most common renal neoplasm of childhood. Remarkable success has been achieved in the therapy of WT through the National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTS). Despite the responsiveness of most WT to adjuvant chemotherapy, some tumors are unresponsive and result in tumor progression and death. Most tumors lack distinctive histologic or clinical features to enable targeting with more or less aggressive chemotherapy. Recognizing biologically distinctive subsets of WT may be useful for predicting clinical behavior and targeting therapy. The goal of this project is to identify molecular categories of WT that have predictable clinical properties, including propensity to metastasize and response to therapy. We hypothesize that gene expression profiles will aid in the recognition of these categories.

AIM ONE: To identify candidate marker genes that are differentially expressed: Using commercially available cDNA macro-arrays, we will comprehensively analyze gene expression in a small group of Wilms tumors. A subset of genes whose expression varies throughout these tumors will be identified.

AIM TWO: To identify molecular categories of Wilms tumor based upon the expression of candidate marker genes identified in Aim One: Utilizing custom cDNA microarrays approximately 200-300 pathologically, clinically and genetically characterized WT will be analyzed. Using computationally assisted methods, profiles of gene expression that define molecular categories of Wilms tumors will be identified.

AIM THREE: To verify, test, and model the new molecular categories of Wilms tumor and to examine these new categories in their clinical, pathologic, and genetic context. Each molecular category will be analyzed and validated for clinical, pathologic and genetic features using the extensive resources of the NWTS. Genes predictive of molecular categories will be verified using in situ hybridization or immunohistochemistry. A model categorization will be proposed and tested on 200 additional Wilms tumors.

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Jerry Radich, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

"Gene Expression Profile of Progression and Response in CML"

Abstract: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a hematopoetic stem cell disease with distinct biological and clinical features, presenting as a relatively clinically benign state ( chronic phase ), which invariably evolves to an incurable aggressive disease ( blast crisis ). Treatment can range from low intensity chemotherapy to the curative yet potentially lethal therapy of bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Unfortunately little is known about the molecular events that trigger the evolution of chronic phase to blast crisis. Thus, tailoring therapy to individual patient's risk is impossible. This proposal aims to identify changes in gene expression that occur in the evolution of the chronic phase to blast crisis, as well as discovering gene expression patterns that are associated with good outcomes to conventional interferon-based therapy. Specifically, we will: 1) optimize and validate the expression array technology, then 2) use mRNA expression arrays to identify genes involved in the progression of chronic phase to blast phase CML; and 3) identify genes associated with good or poor outcome following conventional interferon-based therapy. These studies will allow us to begin to study the biology of CML transformation, and understand at a genetic level why some patients respond to conventional therapy, while other patients are refractory to therapy, and quickly transform to highly aggressive disease. The identification of low v high risk patients will allow therapy to be appropriately tailored to each individual s disease. In addition, the application of large-scale expression analysis in this model system will be ideal to iron out unforeseen technical problems, and thus the experience gained may be very valuable in future investigations other more complex tumor systems.

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Greg J. Riggins, Duke University Medical Center

"A Molecular Classification of Brain Tumors"

Abstract: There is a predicted 0.44 percent lifetime risk of dying from a malignant brain tumor in the US. An overall five-year survival of less than 30 percent attests to our lack of ability to effectively treat these cancers. Malignant brain tumors are a very heterogeneous group of tumors, and a logical area to apply a rational molecular-based classification system. We plan to address classification and response to therapy as the two main goals of this grant.

First, we plan to develop and test a gene expression based classification of malignant gliomas and embryonal CNS tumors. We will look within large histologically similar groups such as glioblastomas and medulloblastomas, to sub-classify these tumors. Second, we will develop for the malignant gliomas; a gene expression based test that predicts response to therapy. Here the emphasis will be to make it possible to select the chemotherapy that has the greatest chances of success, prior to starting treatment.

Our approach for identifying RNA levels that predict class or response will be to first generate candidate using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). Our experience with SAGE as part of the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) indicates that this is a powerful way to initially assess all the expressed genes. By performing a limited sequence SAGE analysis spread out over 68 brain tumors, we can create a cost and labor effective comprehensive profile of the candidate genes most likely to predict class or response. The CGAP infrastructure for this analysis is in place and running, including low-cost high throughput sequencing, ideal for this pursuit.

It will be necessary to test or verify each candidate gene in a large independent set of tumors. For this purpose we have chosen real-time quantitative PCR and tissue microarrays. Real-time PCR has the advantage of being able to produce accurate transcript levels, rapidly and economically, from multiple small samples. Tissue microarrays have the advantage of being able to assay protein, RNA or DNA levels, determine the location of the expressing cell in the tissue, and utilize fixed archived samples from hundreds of tumors simultaneously. We will be collaborating with the recognized leaders for this technology to produce comprehensive brain tumor tissue microarrays.

We have led the way in public release of gene expression data, in part because the absolute and digital transcript levels from SAGE adapt well to data sharing. All SAGE data will be immediately posted with CGAP using our web site, SAGEmap (, with a similar site for tissue microarray and real-time PCR data.

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Louise C. Showe, The Wistar Institute

"CTCL Staging Using Gene Expression Profiles"

Abstract: The cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) including Mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sezary syndrome (SS) are indolent lymphomas that progress in stages, starting with skin lesions, sometimes proceeding through a leukemic phase with circulating tumor cells and eventually spreading to the visceral organs. Treatments for CTCL vary in efficacy even for patients with what appears to be similar level of disease, emphasizing the likely existence of undetectable heterogeneity. These characteristics added to the availability of a large archive of patient samples make it a good candidate for tumor staging by molecular profiles. SS, the leukemia form of CTCL will be the initial focus of these studies as it provides easy access to large numbers of purified malignant cells. RNA from 10 patients, with diverse patterns of disease presentation and progression, will be analyzed during the first year against arrays of cDNA probes for 20,000 sequence verified Unigene clusters in order to determine the global gene expression patterns of these cells. Samples will be selected from newly diagnosed SS patients and from an archive of viably frozen SS cells including samples collected at progressive stages of disease over a period of greater than 10 years. Since CTCL cells represent Th-2 T-cells, RNA from healthy donor PBL, stimulated to develop a TH-2 phenotype will be used as controls. Genes that are over or under-expressed in patient RNAs, compared to controls, will be candidate tumor markers for a reduced panel of genes that will be used to screen a larger group of patient samples. In the second phase of the study, 100 patients will be selected for gene expression studies with a reduced panel of 1000-2000 genes. These expression profiles will be analyzed, using statistical techniques, to identify groups of genes that behave in a similar fashion in subsets of patients. The results of these analyses will be a putative diagnostic panel of genes whose expression levels describe classes of tumors. The correlation between expression levels and tumor groups will be confirmed using alternative methods for measuring gene expression. Finally, clinical information from patient histories will be compared with tumors clustered by gene expression levels to determine whether important clinical outcomes, e.g., responsiveness to treatment, can be predicted from the specific gene expression patterns. Concurrent with the above studies, samples from patients with MF, the skin-associated early form of CTCL, will be queried with the panel of genes identified as being diagnostic for SS to determine whether the same genes are also sufficient to characterize different classes of MF. If novel gene clusters are found, they will be added to the data base of candidate markers. If not, up to 10 MF patients will be analyzed on 20,000-gene filters for genes whose expression pattern distinguishes MF from SS patients. If found, these will be added to the panel of candidate SS genes. Finally, techniques will be developed to assay expression profiles in a clinical setting.

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Timothy J. Triche, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

"Gene Expression in Sarcomas of Childhood and Adolescence"

Abstract: Sarcomas in children, adolescents, and young adults account for about 10 percent of cancer in this age range, with survivals ranging from about 95 percent in favorable rhabdomyosarcoma to nearly 10 percent in most patients with metastatic disease. Currently, there is no known biologic reason for these vastly different behaviors. For the majority of these sarcomas, we lack reliable methods to predictively segregate histologically similar tumors with very different outcomes, and we do not know the molecular basis for their cellular or disease phenotypes, including different drug responsiveness. To address these problems, we propose a scalable, high throughput functional genomics approach centered on generating and analyzing large scale gene expression profiles. A primary goal is to obtain the most comprehensive gene expression state measurements possible for approximately 500 tumors per year. Samples will be from the three pediatric cooperative groups that, in aggregate, account for nearly 95 percent of children in North America with cancer. To maximize gene representation, productivity, and economics we will use a mix of two different kinds of array measurements already established in our labs. Selected results from array measurements will be subjected to confirmatory experimental analyses (Northerns, quantitative PCR, tissue In Situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, etc.). We believe, however, that the greatest challenge in this work is in data management and analysis. To meet this challenge all data enter an integrated object database that is web accessible object database. To meet this challenge, arrays are made and expression data is acquired, and stored in web accessible object database. It is linked to MIMIR, an evolving suite of both novel and standard clustering algorithms and statistical methods that will be used to analyze expression data and other types of pertinent data. Gene expression "signatures" derived from initial clustering analyses will then be mined for correlations with clinical data and those correlations evaluated for significance. Within this project we are also developing ways to measure the robustness of gene expression clusters, the strength of membership of a gene in one or more clusters, and the relatedness of clusters with each other and with other data types. Proposed work also includes ongoing development of user friendly interfaces for viewing data and its annotations to help biologists use the results to generate new hypotheses about drug targets, the biological basis for metastasis, drug sensitivities, and tumor classification.

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James C. Willey, Medical College of Ohio

"Gene Expression Indices in Chemoresistant Lung Cancer"

Abstract: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is one of the most common causes of cancer death in this country and it is poorly responsive to current chemotherapeutic regimens with an overall regression rate of only 30-50 percent. Histological categorization provides extremely limited information regarding biological behavior of a particular NSCLC tissue. Progress in the genome project and advances in high throughput measurement of gene expression are providing the opportunity to re-define diagnosis of NSCLC tissues on the basis of important phenotypes, such as chemoresistance, rather than on the basis of histology. The primary long-term objectives of the proposed investigation are to improve mechanistic understanding of NSCLC chemoresistance and to develop a method for predicting which NSCLC tumors will respond. The mechanisms of resistance likely to involve multiple gene products. For example, in other studies it was determined that indices comprising multiple independent gene expressions values measured in bronchial epithelial cells correlated better than individual gene expression values when phenotypes for malignancy (c-myc x E2F-1/p21) and risk for lung cancer (GSTP1 x mGST x GSHPx). In preliminary studies, the H1435 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell line is 50-fold more resistant to carboplatin than H460. Evaluation of 20 genes putatively associated with carboplatin chemoresistance using standardized mixtures of competitive templates in quantitative RT-PCR revealed that glutathione transferase (GST) p1, Bax alpha, GADD45, ERCC3, glutathione peroxidase and mGST genes are expressed at 100, 20, 10, 6, 5, and 4-fold higher levels respectively in H1435. These genes and other putative chemoresistance genes may be effectively combined into gene expression indices to produce a better marker for the chemoresistant phenotype. The over-all hypothesis of this proposal is that patterns of individual gene expression and/or indices comprising the expression values of multiple individual genes will provide an effective marker for chemoresistant NSCLC tumors. A National Cooperative Tumor Signature Group has assembled to test the hypothesis through completion of the following specific aims. AIM 1) Measure expression of putative chemoresistant genes in primary NSCLC tumor tissues then identify which, if any, correlate with resistant phenotype. AIM 2) Identify gene expression indices that correlate with NSCLC tumor chemoresistance AIM 3) Develop a standardized mixture of competitive templates that will allow inter-laboratory comparison of gene expression data. AIM 4) Automate the quantitative RT-PCR method. AIM 5) Develop an internet based databank for storage of the data acquired during this study and for storage of data acquired by other laboratories.

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Cheryl L. Willman, University of New Mexico Health Science Center

"Molecular Taxonomy of Pediatric and Adult Acute Leukemia"

Abstract: Although remarkable advances have been made in the treatment of the acute leukemias, particularly resistant forms of leukemia remain. In 1999, 28,000 children and adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed with leukemia and 21,000 will die of their disease. This variability in clinical response is due in part to the tremendous heterogeneity of the disease itself. Traditionally classified solely on the basis of morphology and cytochemistry, the acute lymphoid or lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL) and the acute myeloid leukemias (AML) are characterized by highly variable clinical and biologic behavior, immunophenotypes, and chromosomal abnormalities. Striking differences in outcome may be seen in cases with the same cytogenetic profile, implying that more subtle genetic abnormalities also impact disease biology and response. We hypothesize that cDNA microarray technology will yield quantitative, orderly, and systematic gene expression profiles that can be used to design more clinically relevant classification schemes and to predict therapeutic response. By conducting correlative science studies accompanying NCI-sponsored clinical trials in children and adults affected by acute leukemia for the Pediatric Oncology Group, Children's Cancer Study Group, and Southwest Oncology Group, and by maintaining the largest leukemia tissue repositories in the world, we are poised to propose the following specific aims: 1. To Further Optimize cDNA Microarray Technology for Studies in Primary Human Leukemia Samples. 2. To Characterize the Molecular Variations Among Highly Selected Acute Leukemia Cases Using at Least 30,000 Genes. Cases have been selected using two approaches: 1) therapeutic response/resistance and 2) the presence of specific cytogenetic abnormalities. Study sets in AML include: 1) patients with "primary resistant" disease; 2) patients in long-term remission; 3) paired pre-treatment and relapse samples; 4) patients responding or failing specific treatment regimens; and 4) cases selected by genotype [t(8.21), inv(16), t(15;17), t(4;11), t(9;11), and complex]. In ALL, cases are being selected prospectively using two approaches: 1) the presence of residual disease vs. complete molecular response during the treatment course using automated quantitative molecular monitoring methods; and 2) by genotype [hyperdiploid, t(12;21), t(9;22), t(1;19), and t(4;11)]. 3. To Apply Multivariate Clustering Methods to Group Acute Leukemias That are Coherent in their Expression Patterns. 4. To Use Automated Quantitative "Real-Time" PCR Technologies to Validate cDNA Microarray Analyses. 5. To Use High Performance Computing and Informatics Technologies to Link Large Genomic Data Sets with Clinical Databases. All leukemia samples have associated clinical databases containing detailed patient information, laboratory data (cytogenetics, correlative scientific studies), and therapeutic response data. Our experienced clinical trials biostatisticians will work with the UNM High Performance Computing Center (a National Supercomputing Facility) and Sandia National Laboratory (both world leaders in massively scalable parallel computing, statistics, informatics, and visualization tools) to meet this aim.

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Timothy J. Yeatman, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

"Decoding Fingerprints Portending Colon Cancer Metastasis"

Abstract: While surgical extirpation of colorectal cancer remains the primary modality for cure, patients who have metastasized to distant sites at the time of surgical intervention frequently die from their disease. Unfortunately, there is no accurate means of identifying the patients who are at risk for metastasis. Current staging systems, based only on clinicopathologic factors, are not very precise. Moreover, attempts at improving these staging systems, using molecular techniques to assay the expression of single or a small number of genes, have been relatively unsuccessful. This is likely because the process of metastasis is complex and linked to the expression of numerous gene families and pathways. Recently, methods have been developed which allow the analysis of gene expression for thousands of genes in a single experiment. We hypothesize that, by conducting comprehensive analyses of both RNA (microarray analysis) and protein (proteomic analysis) on the same tumor specimens, molecular fingerprints can be identified in primary tumors that portend metastasis. A three-party consortium between H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, The Institute for Genomic Research, and Large Scale Biology Corp. has been constructed to address this hypothesis. Based on the ubiquitous presence of endogenous ribonucleases, we predict that the success of this study will be based on our capacity to obtain fresh tissue specimens without significant ischemic effect. Tumors will be rationally selected to address the biological questions we have posed. And finally, statistical analyses designed for microarray analysis, which apply probability statistics to each and every expressed gene, will permit us to decipher specific fingerprints from complex datasets.


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