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Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP)

Resources for CCOPs and MB-CCOPs

Protocols and Credit Assignments

Approved Protocols List

*The list below does not include those protocols that receive a combination of both treatment and cancer control credits or treatment credits only.

** Study is closed to accrual

Research Base Protocol Number Title (with link to PDQ Listing) Cancer Control Follow Up Credit
Collection of Patient Reported Symptoms and Performance Status via the Internet 1.0 N/A
CALGB 70305 A Randomized Study to Prevent Lymphedema in Women Treated for Breast Cancer 1.0 N/A
COG ACCL05C1 Prospective Study of Ototoxicity Assessment in Children Receiving Cisplatin Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
COG AALL03N1 Understanding the Ethnic and Racial Differences in Survival in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 0.5 N/A
COG ACCL04C2 Randomized Study of Electroacupuncture Treatment for Delayed Chemotherapy-
Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Patients with Pediatric Solid Tumors
1.0 N/A
COG ACCL0131 Study of Clinical and Neurological Evidence of Methotrexate Leukoencephalo-
pathy in Children Previously Treated on Protocols POG-9605 and POG-9201
0.7 N/A
COG ACCL0331 A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Traumeel S for the Prevention and Treatment of Mucositis in Children Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplatation 1.0 N/A
COG ALTE04N1 Health-Related Outcomes for Hodgkins Disease Survivors 0.5 N/A
COG ALTE02C2 Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A Limited Non-Therapeutic Study 0.5 N/A
COG ANUR0532 Prevention of Mucositis in Children with AES-14 (IND #36978), a Glutamine Based Oral Care Regimen, for Patients Diagnosed with Solid Tumors: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Study 1.0 N/A
COG ANUR0631 Music Video and Adolescent/Young Adult Resilience During Transplant 1.0 N/A
ECOG E2Z02 A Survey of Disease and Treatment-Related Symptoms in Patients with Invasive Cancer: Prevalence, Severity and Treatment 1.0 N/A
ECOG E2Z04 Quality of Life in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors 0.5 N/A
ECOG E4Z02 Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine Efficacy of L-Carnitine Supplementation for Fatigue in Patients with Cancer 1.0 N/A
ECOG E5597 Phase III Chemoprevention Trial of Selenium Supplementation in Persons with Resected Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 1.0 0.3
ECOG E5Z02 Phase II Protocol: Gemcitabine for Metastatic Cancer with Unknown Primary Site - Analysis of Symptom Benefit 1.0 N/A
FCRB 04-002-P Efficacy and Feasibility of a Psychosocial Intervention within the CCOP Context: Evaluation of the Facing Forward Guide to Facilitate Life after Active Cancer Treatment 1.0 N/A
FCRB 04-003-P Comparing The Lozenge To The Patch For Smoking Cesssation 1.0 N/A
FCRB 04-004-P Colorectal Cancer Screening Intervention For Family Members of Colorectal Cancer Patients 0.5 N/A
GOG GOG-0199 Screening Study of Surgery and CA 125 Levels in Participants at Increased Genetic Risk of Ovarian Cancer 0.9 N/A
GOG 0207 A Randomized Double-Blind Phase II Trial of Celecoxib, A Cox-2 Inhibitor, in the Treatment of Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 3 (CIN 3) 1.0 N/A
GOG 0215 A Phase II Randomized Study of the Effect of Zoledronic Acid Versus Observation on Bone Mineral Density of the Lumbar Spine in Women Who Elect to Undergo Risk-Reducing Surgery That Results in Removal of Both Ovaries 1.0 N/A
GOG 0190 Randomized Study of Fenretinide as Chemoprevention in Patients at Increased Risk for Ovarian Cancer 1.0 N/A
GOG 0192 Phase III Randomized Study of Amifostine Versus No Treatment For Platinum-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients With Malignancies 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 05-01 Stress Management Therapy for Patients undergoing Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 0205 Study of Cyproheptadine and Megestrol in Preventing Further Weight Loss In Children with Cancer or Cancer Treatment-Related Cachexia 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 0203 Preservation of Ovarian Function in Young Women Treated with (Neo) Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: A Randomized Trial Using the GnRH Agonist (Triptorelin) During Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 02 01 Phase II Randomized Study of Dextroamphetamine-
Amphetamine Versus Methylphenidate in Pediatric Cancer Patients With Treatment-Related Neurocognitive Sequelae and Depression
1.0 N/A
HLMCC 01-05 Randomized Pilot Study of Isoflavones Versus Lycopene Prior to Radical Prostatectomy in Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 0402 Glutamic Acid to Decrease Vincristine Toxicity in Children with Cancer 1.0 N/A
HLMCC 05-02 Thyroid function & breast cancer: A pilot study to estimate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in women diagnosed with breast cancer and the magnitude of change in thyroid function post-chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
MDA ID93-004 Prospective, Randomized Trial Comparing Heparin and Minocycline-EDTA Flush for the Prevention of Catheter-Related Infections and Occlusions 1.0 N/A
MDA 03-26 A Multicenter Phase III Placebo-Controlled Trial of Celecoxib for Prevention of Capecitabine-Induced Palmar/Plantar (Hand/Foot) Syndrome in Patients with Metastatic Breast and Colorectal Cancer 1.0 N/A
MDA MDA-03-27 Prevention of Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin Induced Peripheral Neuropathy with Alpha-Lipoic Acid: A Placebo-Controlled Phase III Trial 1.0 N/A
MDA 02-23 Phase II Trial of Subcutaneous Amifostine for Reversal of Persistent Paclitaxel-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy 1.0 N/A
MDA 01-06 Chemotherapy and Mindfulness Relaxation: A Randomized Trial 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N04CA Pilocarpine for Vaginal Dryness: A Phase III Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N05C7 Long Acting Methylphenidate (Concerta®) for Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Phase III, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N00C1 Phase III Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison of Etanercept (Enbrel [R]) Versus Placebo for the Treatment of Cancer-Associated Weight Loss and Anorexia 1.0 0.0
NCCTG N02C4 Phase III Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Comparison of Creatine for Cancer-Associated Weight Loss 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N01C8 Osteoporosis Prevention in Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Androgen Ablation Therapy: A Phase III Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double Blind Study 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N01C5 Phase III Randomized Study of Valeriana Officinalis (Valerian) for Improving Sleep in Patients With Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Therapy 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N01C3 Phase III Randomized Study of Lamotrigine for Chemotherapy-
Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients With Cancer
1.0 N/A
NCCTG N01CB Phase III Randomized Study of Lidocaine Patch in Cancer Patients With Postsurgical Neuropathic Pain 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N00C9 Randomized Study of EGb761 for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-
Related Cognitive Dysfunction in Women With Breast Cancer
1.0 N/A
NCCTG N00CB Phase III Randomized Study of Gabapentin for the Management of Hot Flashes in Patients With Prostate Cancer 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N00C3 Phase III Randomized Study of Gabapentin in Cancer Patients With Chemotherapy-
Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
1.0 N/A
NCCTG N03CA The Use of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) to Improve Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Randomized, Double Blind, Dose-Finding, Placebo-Controlled Study 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N04C2 An Exploratory, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Depot Octreotide (Sandostatin LAR® Depot) for Intractable Ascites in Cancer Patients 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N04C7 Placebo-Controlled Phase III Study of Intravenous Calcium/Magnesium as Prophylaxis of Oxaliplatin-Induced Sensory Neurotoxicity 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N05C3 The Use of Vitamin E for Prevention of Chemotherapy-
Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study
1.0 N/A
NCCTG N05C4 A Phase III, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of Prophylactic Topical Sunscreen to Prevent Erlotinib- or Cetuximab-Induced Skin Rash [or Other Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Inhibitor-Induced Skin Rash] 1.0  
NCCTG N05C5 A Phase III Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial to Determine the Effectiveness of a Urea Based Topical Keratolytic Agent and Vitamin B-6 for Prevention of Capecitabine-Induced Hand and Foot Syndrome 1.0 N/A
NCCTG N0569 Phase III Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Evaluation of Citalopram for the Treatment of Hot Flashes 1.0 N/A
NSABP LTS-01 Patient Reported Outcomes in Long Term Survivors with Colon and Rectal Cancer 0.5 N/A
NSABP P-3 Celecoxib Polyp Prevention Trial In Participants with Resected Stage 1 Colon Cancer 1.0 0.3
NSABP NSABP P-2** Phase III Randomized Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR) for the Prevention of Breast Cancer 1.0 0.3
RTOG 0435 A Randomized, Phase III, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Palifermin For the Reduction of Oral Mucositis in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer receiving Radiation Therapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy (Followed by Surgery for Selected Patients) 1.0  
RTOG 0517 Randomized Phase III Trial to Evaluate Radiopharmaceuti-
cals and Zoledronic Acid in the Palliation of Osteoblastic Metastases from Lung, Breast, and Prostate Cancer
1.0 N/A
RTOG 0518 A Phase III, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Zometa® for the Prevention of Osteoporosis and Associated Fractures in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy and Long Term LHRH Agonists for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer 1.0 N/A
RTOG 0433 A Phase III International Radomized Trial of Single Versus Multiple Fractions For Re-Irradiation of Painful Bone Metastases 1.0 N/A
RTOG L-0123 Phase II Randomized Study of Captopril Versus Observation in Patients With Stage II-IIIB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage I Central Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, or Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Previously Treated With Radiotherapy With or Without Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0300 Randomized Placebo-Controlled Biomarker Modulation Trial Using Celecoxib in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0308 A Phase III Randomized, Multicenter Non-Inferiority Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Oral Ibandronate versus Intravenous Zoledronate in the Reduction of Skeletal-Related Events in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0230 Goserelin in Preventing Ovarian Failure in Women Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0229 A Randomized Trial Assessing the Effects of Exercise on Patients with Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Undergoing Curative Intent Combined Modality Therapy (Ancillary to S0023 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0212 Phase IIb Randomized Study of Celecoxib in Patients With High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix 1.0 N/A
SWOG S0000** Phase III Randomized Study of Selenium and Vitamin E for the Prevention of Prostate Cancer (SELECT Trial) 1.0 0.3
SWOG S9917 Phase III Randomized Study of Selenium as Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer in Patients With High-Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia 1.0 0.3
UMCC 02-02 Prostate Cancer: Impact of Fat and Flaxseed - Modified Diets. 1.0 N/A
UMCC 02-01 Phase II Trial of Encapsulized Ginger as a Treatment for Chemotherapy-
Induced Nausea and Vomiting
1.0 N/A
UMCC 0003 Proteomics Biomarker Development Laboratory 0.2 0.1 (if applicable)
URCC U1701 Randomized Study of Buspirone in Patients With Dyspnea Associated With Malignant Disease 1.0 N/A
URCC U2901 Phase III Randomized Study of Modafinil for Fatigue in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
URCC 01-14 Phase II/III Randomized Study of Ginger for Chemotherapy-
Related Nausea in Patients With Cancer
1.0 N/A
URCC 04-01 Yoga for Persistent Sleep Disturbance in Cancer Survivors 1.0 N/A
URCC 04-02 Prevention of Delayed Nausea: A Phase III Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial 1.0 N/A
URCC 5012 Phase III Randomized Study of Gemcitabine With or Without Dalteparin in Patients With Unresectable or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer 1.0 N/A
URCC C95-0001 Oral Antibotic Prophylaxis of Early Infection in Multiple Myeloma 1.0 N/A
WFU 91105 Phase III Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Donepezil in the Irradiated Brain 1.0 N/A
WFU 01-12 Phase II Randomized Study of Fruit and Vegetable Extracts in Patients With Stage I-III Head and Neck Cancer 1.0 N/A
WFU 01-03 Phase III Randomized Study of the Effect of Oxandrolone Versus Megestrol on Lean Body Mass, Weight, Body Fat, and Quality of Life in Patients With Solid Tumors and Weight Loss Who Are Receiving Chemotherapy 1.0 N/A
WFU 98301 A Phase II Study of St. John's Wort for the Treatment of Hot Flashes in Women with a History of Breast Cancer 1.0 N/A
WFU 97202 A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of Oral Coenzyme Q10 to Relieve Self-Reported Cancer Treatment Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients 1.0 N/A
WFU 97405 Randomized Study of Soy Protein and Effexor on Vasomotor Symptoms of Men with Prostate Cancer 1.0 N/A

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