Congressman Dan Boren : 2nd District Of Oklahoma : Support Our Troops
Dan Boren, Representing Oklahoma's Second District
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Support Our Troops


Support Our Troops

Here are a few suggestions from Congressman Boren on how you can support our troops:

Help Families Stay in Touch

  • Donate a calling card to help keep service members in touch with their families at Operation Uplink.

Say Thank You

Learn about support efforts

Fly a Blue Star Banner

  • For families who have loved ones serving overseas, click here.

Talk to your Children

Resources for Parents, Teachers, and Family Suport Professionals

Contact Military Relief Societies:

Help Our Veterans

  • Volunteer at a VA Hospital to honor veterans who bore the lamp of freedom in past conflicts.

Learn about Relief Efforts In Iraq

  • The U.S. Agency for International Development informs Americans about how they can help Iraq rebuild.

Note: Please do not flood the military mail system with letters, cards and gifts. Due to security concerns and transportation constraints, the Department cannot accept items to be mailed to "any service member." Some people have tried to avoid this prohibition by sending large numbers of packages to an individual service member's address, which however well intentioned, clogs the mail and causes unnecessary delays.

Support numbers for families with loved ones serving overseas



Air Force



1-800-FSCLINE or 1-800-372-5463

Marine Corps

For Marines stationed East of the Mississippi River (minus Wisconsin) 1-800-336-4663

For Marines stationed West of the Mississippi River (plus Wisconsin) 1-800-253-1624

National Guard Bureau


Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

8725 John J. Kingman Rd.
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221

US Coast Guard

1-800-872-4957, EXT 932 (this is the Coast Guard EAP for HQ - Work-life program)

Deployment Health Support Hotline


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