Lactose Synthase

Refer to: "Crystal Structure of Lactose Synthase Reveals a Large Conformational Change in its Catalyctic Component, the b1,4-Galactosyltransferase-I", B. Ramakrishnan and Pradman K. Qasba: J. Mol. Biol. 2001, v310, p.205-218.

and: "a-Lactalbumin (LA) Stimulates Milk b-1,4-Galactosyltransferase I (b4Gal-T1) to Transfer Glucose from UDP-glucose to N-Acetylglucosamine", B. Ramakrishnan, P. Shah, and Pradman K. Qasba: J. Biol. Chem. 2001, v276, p.37665-37671.
Web page prepared and maintained by summer intern Ling-bing Kung.