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Tree Planting Initiative 2008

NPLD Challenged Site Managers and Volunteers to Plant One Million Trees to Commemorate the Civilian Conservation Corps

To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), National Public Lands Day spearheaded a one million tree planting initiative.

Between April 25th, 2008 and September 27, 2008, National Public Lands Day encouraged public land managers, non-profit groups, school groups, and individuals to plant trees in honor of the CCC.

On April 25th, 2008 (Arbor Day) alumni from the CCC gathered with members of the Student Conservation Association during the SCA's Earth Vision Summit work project to plant the ceremonial first tree for this initiative. The event took place at Anacostia Park in Washington, D.C. The final ceremonial tree was planted at Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, Virginia on National Public Lands Day 2008.

The Civilian Conservation Corps  was established in 1932 as a New Deal program by President Franklin Roosevelt. From 1933-1942, over 3,190,000 enrollees worked at CCC camps to build the infrastructure of our nation's modern outdoor recreational system and create the tenets of the modern conservation movement still in use today.

Our nation has benefited immensely from the impressive work performed by the Civilian Conservation Corps 75 years ago. The CCC is one of the driving forces that has inspired National Public Lands Day for the past 15 years, and NPLD volunteers work together to achieve the same common goals and mission. This includes planting trees, removing invasive plants, building trails, and many other activities.

To add your tree planting efforts to our total for 2008, register the number of trees your site has planted or will plant by emailing us the information at npld@neefusa.org

More information about National Public Lands Day and the tree planting initiative can be found by visiting the pages listed below.

April 23, 2008 -- Nationwide Promise to Plant One Million Trees before National Public Lands Day Launched on Arbor Day, April 25th at Anacotia Park in Washington DC

March 24, 2008 --  The 15th National Public Lands Day, September 27, plans to plant one million trees and draw over 120,000 volunteers.


CCC Tree Planting

NPLD Director Robb Hampton, members of the Student Conservation Association,
and Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni gathered to plant the first tree
at Anacostia Park in Washington, DC on April 25, 2008.