Radon Awards Ceremony Honors Those Who Help Save Lives

The National Safety Council's Radon Awards Ceremony is Jan. 28 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The event recognizes individuals and organizations for their contributions to reducing deaths from radon, our nation's second leading cause of lung cancer. Ceremonies include opening remarks and awards presentations by NSC president and CEO Janet Froetscher. Winners of the NSC's 2009 National Radon Poster Contest for children will be announced.
Read More in a news release and see the winning posters.

2009 CEOs Who 'Get It' Announced

The National Safety Council announced its 2009 CEOs Who "Get It," the council's annual recognition of corporate leaders who "get it" by demonstrating that employee safety is a core corporate value, cultivating safety leadership at all levels of their organizations, and supporting their employees with extensive safety training. This year's roster of 10 individuals represents a wide range of industry. Read More in a news release. Profiles of CEOs Who "Get It" are the focus of the February 2009 issue of the NSC's Safety+Health members' magazine.

Warming Up to Winter Safety

Many cold weather states have had a hard winter already. Snow and ice have a brighter side, however: they make for better winter sports. The National Safety Council offers tips for you and your employees to enjoy winter and minimize outdoor injury risks. Learn more

Campbell Award Invites Applications

Many businesses know their safety programs contribute to healthier employees and healthier bottom lines. If your business is among them, the National Safety Council invites you to participate in the international 2009 Robert W. Campbell Award Program. Learn more

A Call to Drivers: Put Down the Phone

The National Safety Council is calling on motorists to stop using cell phones and messaging devices while driving, and is urging governors and legislators in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to ban the behavior. The NSC is taking action because we are leaders in traffic safety and our mission is to save lives. Read the news release here.

The NSC led the adoption of the "Click it or Ticket" seat belt-use campaign from a one-state pilot project to a 50-state proven program that continues to save lives. We believe the same kind of culture and behavior change must - and can - be achieved to stop cell phone use while driving.

To accelerate this change, the NSC's effort will be three-fold:

Using cell phones while driving is a very high risk behavior with significant impact on crashes and society. More than 50 peer-reviewed scientific studies have identified the risks associated with cell phone use while driving. Learn more here