Funding News - Applications Sought for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences

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The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for the jointly sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences. This announcement is made together with 9 other components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).*

The aim of this program is to encourage and support broad, early-stage (pre-dissertation) training in the neurosciences by offering institutions a single, comprehensive training grant. This program supports the early years of graduate training, typically the first and second years, before full-time thesis research begins. Trainees are expected to be participants in a formal predoctoral curriculum offering broad and fundamental training in the neurosciences.

The NINDS—along with the other participating NIH components—encourages a curriculum that spans the breadth of neurosciences in terms of the level of analysis (genes to molecules to cells to integrated, functional systems), approaches (including translational research), and the neuroscience of disease and disorders. The training program should include core courses, laboratory rotations, and program activities, but should exclude full-time dissertation research. These institutional training programs will contribute to basic and disease-related neuroscience research that is relevant to the participating NIH institutes.

For more information, potential applicants should contact the Office of Training and Career Development, Division of Extramural Research, NINDS, Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 2154, Bethesda, MD 20892; telephone: 301-496-4188; fax: 301-402-4370; e-mail:

*For a full list of supporting NIH components and a more detailed description of this program announcement, please visit the NIH web site at: