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BIRN/caBIG™ Technical Assistance Workshop - Thursday, October 18th in Natcher Auditorium on the NIH Bethesda Campus —
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BIRN/caBIG™ Technical Assistance Workshop - Thursday, October 18th in Natcher Auditorium on the NIH Bethesda Campus

You are invited to attend a one day technical assistance workshop that is being held on October 18th in Natcher Auditorium on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD. This workshop will provide information on the caBIG™ and BIRN infrastructures in support of two recent NIH program announcements designed to encourage the sharing of data. Below is a description of the caBIG™ Breakouts planned for the afternoon that will specifically address using the caBIG infrastucture in support of PAR-07-425 (caBIG™ breakout #1 from 2:00-3:00 P.M.) and PAR-07-426 (caBIG™ breakout #2 from 3:00-4:00 P.M.). From 4:00-4:30 there will be a demonstration of the integration that can be achieved through the use of caBIG™ compatible tools and caGrid. We hope you are able to attend.

For caBIG™ Breakout descriptions, please go to:
For Workshop Registration please go to:
For the Workshop Agenda, please see:
For Program Announcements:
Ontology related announcement:
Sharing tools and data announcement:

last modified 10-25-2007 10:54 AM