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Items required to install and run the MMTx program and the associated programs:

If you are installing this on a Windows® based machine, open a DOS command window to perform the installation. There is no InstallShield® installation process for this application. Note that on Windows®, shell environment variables have the form %VariableName%, rather than $VariableName as would be seen on in a Unix or bash shell. Installation differences due to platform will be noted below.

To Install MMTx V2.4.C do the following:

On Windows

  • Make a top level directory to store the MMTx program. This will become your $MMTX_PATH area.
  • Go to the Download page from the MMTx homepage.
  • Download the latest version of MMTx and any of the optional data models into the directory created in #1.
  • Change directory to the directory created in #1: cd $MMTX_PATH
  • Extract the jar files using winzip, pkzip, or zip! There is a bug in the java jar program that removes file permissions leaving the embedded cygwin executables un-runable.:
    • Run winzip, pkzip, or zip on the mmtx_V2.4.C_base.jar
    • Run winzip, pkzip, or zip on the mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_common_data.jar
    • Run winzip, pkzip, or zip on the mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_strict_data.jar

    NOTE: You don't need to unjar the optional data model files if you downloaded them - they will be processed via the install program.

  • This will create the nls/mmtx directory under your $MMTX_PATH directory and fill it with all of the program files needed to run the MMTx program. Now, change to the mmtx directory: cd nls/mmtx
  • Run the install script: .\bin\install.bat from the DOS command window. Clicking on the script name from the explorer window will not work.
  • If you have successfully installed the programs and data, you no longer need the optional data files that you might have downloaded. The *.jar files located in the $MMTX_PATH directory are no longer needed. If you are concerned about disk space, these files may now be deleted.

On Unix/Solaris/Linux

  • Make a top level directory to store the MMTx program. This will become your $MMTX_PATH area.
  • Go to the Download page from the MMTx homepage.
  • Download the latest version of MMTx and any of the optional data models into the directory created in #1.
  • Change directory to the directory created in #1: cd $MMTX_PATH
  • Extract the jar files:
    • Run the java jar program on the mmtx_V2.4.C_base.jar file: java xf mmtx_V2.4.C_base.jar
    • Run the java jar program on the mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_common_data.jar file: java xf mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_common_data.jar
    • Run the java jar program on the mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_strict_data.jar file: java xf mmtx_V2.4.C_2006_strict_data.jar

    NOTE: You don't need to unjar the optional data model files if you downloaded them - they will be processed via the install program.

  • This will create the nls/mmtx directory under your $MMTX_PATH directory and fill it with all of the program files needed to run the MMTx program. Now, change to the mmtx directory: cd nls/mmtx
  • Run the install script: sh ./bin/

  • If you have successfully installed the programs and data, you no longer need the optional data files that you might have downloaded. The *.jar files located in the $MMTX_PATH directory are no longer needed. If you are concerned about disk space, these files may now be deleted.

A Detail for Windows users only