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Mother Necessity

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Music & Lyrics: Bob Dorough
Sung by: Bob Dorough, Blossom Dearie, Essra Mohawk, and Jack Sheldon

Wav sample of the song
With her good intentions,
Where would this country be
Without her inventions?

Oh, things were rotten in the land of cotton
Until Whitney made the cotton gin.
Now old times there will soon be forgotten
For it did the work of a hundred men.

Mother Necessity, where would we be?

Mother Edison worked late each night.
It went well until the fading light.
Little Thomas Alva Edison said, "I'll grow up to be
A great inventor and I'll make a lamp to help my mommy see,
Wowee! What an excellent application of electricity!"
He worked hard and pulled the switch.
He was smart and very rich.

Mother Necessity, help us to see.

Now, the mother of Samuel Morse
Always sent the lad out on a horse.
"Take a message to Ms. Peavy on the far side of the pike;
Spread the word about the quilting bee next Saturday night!"
Little Samuel started thinking of a way to send a message,
Though he'd never met a horse he didn't like. Uh!

Mother Necessity!

Elias, can you help me with my sewing?
Mother dear, I'll fulfill your fondest wishes.
Elias, how?
This machine I've made will keep your sewing really flowing.
In fact, we'll keep the whole nation in stitches. Ah!

Mother Necessity, where would we be?

Ring me on the Alexander Graham Bell.
Thank you Alexander for the phone.
I'd never get a date, I'd never get a job
Unless I had a telephone.

Mother Necessity!

"Orville, Wilbur, go outside this minute,
And there continue with your silly playing!
Take these plans and take those blueprints.
Take that funny looking thing,
Take that wheel, take that wing,
I can't hear a thing that Mrs. Johnson's saying.
Orville! Wilbur! Come back, boys! Orville! Wilbur!"

Mother Necessity, where would we be?

When Robert Fulton made the steamboat go,
When Marconi gave us wireless radio,
When Henry Ford cranked up his first automobile,
When Samuel Slater showed us how the factories go,
And all the iron and oil and coal and steel and Yankee don't you know,
They made this country really grow, grow, grow, grow,
With Mother Necessity and where would we be
Without the inventions of your progeny?

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