MMHCC Repository NCI-Frederick

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Strain Number: 01XJ8 
Common Strain Name: HPV16-E6 
Strain Nomenclature: FVB-Tg(KRT14-HPV16E6)5737Plam 
Release Category (Required for MTA form): B,D
Sample MTA for this strain
Animal Health Report in PDF Format  
Strain Description: This strain carries 15 copies of the K14-HPV16 E6 transgene. Hemizygous animals develop epithelial hyperplasia (wrinkled skin visible at 12 days of age), skin tumors, and cervical tumors (when crossed to K14E7 mice treated with estrogen). Skin tumors arise late in 14% of the mice (at 15 months of age, first onset at 6 months). Lesions are malignant, grade I-III epidermoid carcinomas. Cataracts are also apparent by weaning.
Mutation Information  
  Mutation Type: Transgenic 
  Gene Name:
  Gene Symbol:
  Transgene Name: human papillomavirus type 16
  Transgene Symbol: HPV16
  Promoter Name: human keratin 
  Promoter Symbol: hK14 
  Current Genetic Background: FVB 
  Approx. Generation:  
  Organ Site : Skin 
Cryopreservation Mating Scheme: Wild-type females (FVB/N) x homozygous males  
Genotyping Information: Protocol 1: Allele: Tg(hK14-HPV16-E6)5737Plam  
Donating Investigator: Dr. Paul  Lambert
Key Reference: Shiyu S, Pitot HC, and Lambert PF. 1999. The Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E6 Gene Alone Is Sufficient To Induce Carcinomas in Transgenic Animals. J. Virol. 73:5887-5893 PMID: 10364340 [PubMED Abstract]
Ordering Information for Cryoarchived Strains - Order Form for Cryoarchived Strains

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