MMHCC Repository NCI-Frederick

Available Strain Details

Order Form for Live Mice  
Strain Number: 01XEA 
Common Strain Name: EGFR-L858R 
Strain Nomenclature: B6;CBA-Tg(tetO-EGFR*L858R)56Hev 
Release Category (Required for MTA form): B
Sample MTA for this strain
Animal Health Report in PDF Format  
Strain Description: These mice need to be crossed to an appropriate rtTA strain for inducible expression of the EGFR L858R allele. EGFR L858R has been found in lung tumors from patients who respond to the tyrosine kinase inhibitors erlotinib and gefitinib. In double transgenic mice, expression of this mutant in the lung gave rise to lung tumors that required continued EGFR Del L747-S752 expression for survival and regressed when treated with erlotinib (Politi et al., 2006).
Mutation Information  
  Mutation Type: Transgenic 
  Gene Name:
  Gene Symbol:
  Transgene Name: EGFR-L858R point mutation
  Transgene Symbol: EGFR-L858R
  Promoter Name: Tet-inducible promotor 
  Promoter Symbol: tetO 
  Current Genetic Background: B6;CBA 
  Approx. Generation:  
  Organ Site : various, lung 
Husbandry: Breeder pairs are supplied as a hemizygote (male or female) and wildtype C57BL/6 (male or female) mate. Average litter size is 10.
Genotyping Information: Protocol 1: Allele: Tg(tetO-EGFR*L858)56Hev  
Donating Investigator: Dr. Katerina  Politi
Key Reference: Politi K, Zakowski MF, Fan PD, Schonfeld EA, Pao W, Varmus HE. Lung adenocarcinomas induced in mice by mutant EGFR receptors found in human lung cancers respond to a tyrosine kinase inhibitor or to down-regulation of the receptors. Genes & Development 20, 1496-1510, 2006. PMID:16705038 [PubMED Abstract]
Sponsoring Institute: Small Animal Imaging Resource Program [SAIRP] grant ]NIH R24CA83084] to Jason Koutcher, American Cancer Society- Post-doctoral Fellowship (PF-05-078-01-MGO) to Katerina Politi, Labrecque Foundation, NCI (K08-CA097980) to William Pao, Carmel Hill Fund, Joan's Legacy  
Ordering Information for Live Mice - Order Form for Live Mice

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