MMHCC Repository NCI-Frederick

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Strain Number: 01XD6 
Common Strain Name: RIP1-Tag2 
Strain Nomenclature: C3.Cg-Tg(RIP1-Tag2)2Dh 
Release Category (Required for MTA form): A,D
Sample MTA for this strain
Animal Health Report in PDF Format  
Strain Description: In this strain the rat insulin promoter (RIP) directs expression of the SV40 Large T antigen transgene (TAg) to beta cells of the pancreatic islets. The SV40 TAg oncogene is expressed beginning at ~E8.f. The mice are systemically tolerant to large T antigen. Hyperplastic islets begin to appear by 3-4 weeks of age. Angiogenic islets (8 to 12% of the total) arise from hyperplastic/dysplastic islets by switching on angiogenesis. Solid tumors (~3% of the islets) emerge at about 10 weeks as small, encapsulated adenomas that progress into large adenomas by 12 to 13 weeks. Development to vascularized invasive carcinomas occurs less frequently. This model has many virtues as a prototype for testing experimental therapeutics, although it will not necessarily be suitable for all drugs, such as oncogene-specific inhibitors. The advantages of the model are its 14-week time course, the 100% penetrance of invasive cancer, and the synchronous appearance of dysplasias, angiogenic switching, adenomas, and carcinomas. The multifocality of the target tissue (the 400 islets) and the lesions that develop allow quantification of tumor development.
Mutation Information  
  Mutation Type: Transgenic 
  Gene Name:
  Gene Symbol:
  Transgene Name: SV40 Large T antigen
  Transgene Symbol: TAg
  Promoter Name: Rat Insulin Promoter 
  Promoter Symbol: RIP 
  Current Genetic Background: C3.Cg 
  Approx. Generation: 13 
  Organ Site : GI 
Cryopreservation Mating Scheme: C3H females x hemizygous males  
Genotyping Information: Protocol 1: Allele: Tg(RIP1-Tag2)2Dh  
Donating Investigator: Dr. Doug  Hanahan
Key Reference: Hanahan D. 1985. Heritable formation of pancreatic beta-cell tumors in transgenic mice expressing recombinant insulin/simian virus 40 oncogenes. Nature 315:115-22 PMID: 2986015 [PubMED Abstract]
Related References: Adams TE, Alpert S, Hanahan D. 1987. Non-tolerance and autoantibodies to a grangenic self antigen expressed in pancreatic beta cells. Nature 325:223-8. PMID: 3543686 [PubMED Abstract]
Ordering Information for Cryoarchived Strains - Order Form for Cryoarchived Strains

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