MMHCC Repository NCI-Frederick

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Strain Number: 01XB4 
Common Strain Name: TetO-HRAS 
Strain Nomenclature: FVB-Tg(tetO-HRAS)65Lc 
Release Category (Required for MTA form): B,D
Sample MTA for this strain
Animal Health Report in PDF Format  
Strain Description: This strain carries an activated HRAS human gene (G12V) under the control of a minimal promoter containing multimerized tet-operons (TetO). TetO will drive expression of the HRAS transgene in the presence of a tetracycline transcriptional activator(tTA), or a tetracycline reverse transcriptional activator (rtTA), in the absence or presence of doxycycline (Dox), respectively. In normal use this strain would be mated with a transgenic strain carrying tTA or rtTA under the control of a tissue specific promoter/enhancer.
Mutation Information  
  Mutation Type: Transgenic 
  Gene Name:
  Gene Symbol:
  Transgene Name: RAS oncogene
  Transgene Symbol: HRAS
  Promoter Name: Tet Operon 
  Promoter Symbol: TetO 
  Current Genetic Background: FVB/N 
  Approx. Generation: 11 
  Organ Site : All 
Cryopreservation Mating Scheme: FVB/N females x hemizygous males  
Genotyping Information: Protocol 1: Allele: Tg(TetO-HRAS)65Lc  
Donating Investigator: Dr. Lynda  Chin
Key Reference: Chin L, Tam A, Pomerantz J, Wong M, Holash J, Bardeesy N, Shen Q 1999. Essential role for oncogenic Ras in Tumour maintenance. Nature 400:468-72. PMID: 10440378 [PubMED Abstract]
Ordering Information for Cryoarchived Strains - Order Form for Cryoarchived Strains

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