MMHCC Repository NCI-Frederick

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Strain Number: 01R07 
Common Strain Name: RARa-PML 
Strain Nomenclature: C3;B6-Tg(CTSG-RARa/PML)2683Ley 
Release Category (Required for MTA form): B,D
Sample MTA for this strain
Animal Health Report in PDF Format  
Strain Description: This strain carries an alternatively spliced bcr-3 isoform of RARa-PML under the control of sequences from the human cathepsin G gene (hCG), which directs expression of the transgene to promyelocytes. The source of the transgene is a human cDNA found in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML). Expression of the transgene does not alter the development of myeloid cells nor does it cause APML. However, in combination with the bcr-1 transgene (PML-RARa, strain hCG-PML-RARa line 135) the penetrance of APML is increased from 15% in the PML-RARa strain to 57% for the double transgenic. The 6-18 month latency in the development of APML is not altered. The leukemias that develop in mice carrying PML-RARa alone, or in combination with RARa-PML, respond to treatment with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA).
Mutation Information  
  Mutation Type: Transgenic 
  Gene Name:
  Gene Symbol:
  Transgene Name: Retinoic acid receptor alpha, Promyelocytic leukemia (human)
  Transgene Symbol: RARa-PML
  Promoter Name: Cathespin G (human) 
  Promoter Symbol: hCG 
  Current Genetic Background: C3;B6 
  Approx. Generation:  
  Organ Site : Hematopoietic 
Cryopreservation Mating Scheme: B6C3F1/Cr females x hemizygous males  
Genotyping Information: Protocol 1: Allele: Tg(CTSG-RARA/PML)2683Ley  
Donating Investigator: Dr. Timothy  Ley
Key Reference: Pollock JL, Westervelt P, Kurichety AK, Pelicci PG, Grisolano JL, Ley TJ. 1999 A bcr-3 isoform of RARa-PML potentiates the development of PML-RARa-driven acute promyelocytic leukemia. PNAS 96:15103-108. PMID: 10611345 [PubMED Abstract]
Ordering Information for Cryoarchived Strains - Order Form for Cryoarchived Strains

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