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What's in a Name?

(originally titled "Who's on First," courtesy of Nancy Kendall)

Does your first name have another meaning? As in Norm and average? Frank and earnest? (Or, Ernest and frank?) See how many words and first names you can identify . And remember, spellings may vary.

  1. To tease good-naturedly or engage in banter, starts with a J.

  2. A place you are trying to reach, starts with a D.

  3. Happiness, starts with a J.

  4. A hard, translucent yellow to brown fossil resin, starts with an A.

  5. A slang term for something singers use to sound louder, starts with an M.

  6. A pretty flower with white petals and a yellow center, starts with a D.

  7. A gentle tap on the back or the head, starts with a P.

  8. something you put at the sink to stand on, or at the door to wipe your feet on, starts with an M.

  9. made from wood, shows up in books, starts with P.

  10. a hard stone, typically faceted, starts with C.

  11. to be holding something while going somewhere, starts with C.

  12. describes someone who has a lot of this growing on their body, starts with H
  13. any three parts in a union; a triad; starts with T

  14. a ball hit out of the park, starts with H

  15. something you typically eat on a bun, also called a hot dog

  16. a grayish color, also a flower, starts with an H

  17. a mammal with dark fur, starts with an S

  18. a creative expression, starts with A

  19. a synonym for "shall", starts with W

  20. to wed, starts with M

  21. oxidized, starts with R

  22. a count in Britain, starts with E

  23. a red-breasted harbinger, starts with R

  24. leaves for an ancient crown, starts with L

  25. a thin beam of light, starts with R

  26. the winner!, starts with V

  27. a blue crow thief, starts with J

  28. a low, gentle neigh, starts with W

  29. a cent, starts with P

  30. a whirlpool, starts with E

  31. a yellow-green color, starts with K

  32. a star-shaped game piece, starts with J

  33. a Spanish nobleman, starts with D

  34. a Christmas song, starts with C

  35. how a beach feels, starts with S

  36. unearthed with a shovel, starts with D

  37. sweet confections, starts with C

  38. a rabbit's den, starts with W

  39. loam (clean dirt), starts with F (and P)

  40. a hive-dweller, starts with B

  41. a short haircut, starts with B

  42. a cribbage pin, starts with P

  43. a red flower sent frequently on Valentines Day, starts with R

  44. a white flower used for memorials, starts with L

  45. a blue flower mentioned in yearbooks, starts with V


  1. To tease good-naturedly or engage in banter, starts with a J, Josh
  2. A place you are trying to reach, starts with a D. destiny, Destiny

  3. Happiness, starts with a J. joy, Joy

  4. A hard, translucent yellow to brown fossil resin, starts with an A. amber, Amber

  5. A slang term for something singers use to sound louder, starts with an M. mike, Mike

  6. A pretty flower with white petals and a yellow center, starts with a D. daisy, Daisy

  7. A gentle tap on the back or the head, starts with a P. pat, Pat

  8. something you put at the sink to stand on, or at the door to wipe your feet on, starts with an M. mat, Matt

  9. made from wood, shows up in books, starts with P. page, Paige

  10. a hard stone, typically faceted, starts with C. crystal, Crystal

  11. to be holding something while going somewhere, starts with C. carry, Carrie

  12. describes someone who has a lot of this growing on their body, starts with H. hairy, Harry

  13. any three parts in a union; a triad; starts with T trinity, Trinity

  14. a ball hit out of the park, starts with H homer, Homer

  15. something you typically eat on a bun, also called a hot dog frank, Frank

  16. a grayish color, also a flower heather, Heather

  17. a mammal with dark fur sable, Sable (a woman wrestler!)

  18. a creative expression, starts with A art, Art

  19. a synonym for "shall", starts with W

  20. to wed, starts with M
    marry, Mary

  21. oxidized, starts with R

  22. a count in Britain, starts with E

  23. a red-breasted harbinger, starts with R

  24. leaves for an ancient crown, starts with L

  25. a thin beam of light, starts with R

  26. the winner, starts with V

  27. a blue crow thief, starts with J

  28. a low, gentle neigh, starts with W
    Whinny, Winnie

  29. a cent, starts with P

  30. a whirlpool, starts with E

  31. a yellow-green color, starts with K

  32. a star-shaped game piece, starts with J

  33. a Spanish nobleman, starts with D

  34. a Christmas song, starts with C

  35. how a beach feels, starts with S

  36. unearthed with a shovel, starts with D
    dug, Doug

  37. sweet confections, starts with C

  38. a rabbit's den, starts with W

  39. loam (clean dirt), starts with F (and P)
    fill, Phil

  40. a hive-dweller, starts with B
    bee, Bea

  41. a short haircut, starts with B

  42. a cribbage pin, starts with P

  43. a red flower sent frequently on Valentines Day, starts with R

  44. a white flower used for memorials, starts with L

  45. a blue flower mentioned in yearbooks, starts with V
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