United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
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Cornyn Meets With President of A&M; Pledges Support For University’s Goals

Also delivers legislative update to Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, today met with the new President of Texas A&M university, Dr. Elsa A. Murano, and Dr. Michael D. McKinney, Chancellor of Texas A&M University System. Dr. Murano is the first woman and first Hispanic-American to serve as President of the oldest public university of higher learning in Texas.

“Dr. Murano brings a unique perspective and years of experience to her new role as president of Texas A&M University,” Cornyn said. “She has ambitious goals for the continued success and growth of the university, and I’m confident she will continue and build upon the Texas values that are central to the spirit of tradition at Texas A&M University.

“I will continue to work on the federal level to implement policies and provide support to strengthen Texas A&M and all of our higher education institutions in Texas, which open the doors of opportunity for millions of young Texans every year.”

Also today, Sen. Cornyn delivered a legislative update to members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Brazos Valley Council of Government.

“As one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the state, Bryan/College Station is only poised to continue to expand in coming years and attract new businesses and families to the area. More than ever, this community depends on the meaningful tax relief that has created jobs and contributed to its record growth. Unfortunately, some in Congress are threatening to allow important tax cuts to expire. This would raise taxes for millions of Texans. I’m committed to working to extend and make permanent the successful tax relief of recent years. These pro-growth policies allow Texas families to save more of their hard-earned money and small businesses to create more jobs here at home.”

January 2008 News Releases

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