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Congressman Sam Graves - Representing the People of Missouri's Sixth District
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Straight Talk with Sam
Volume 7, Issue 45, November 5, 2007
Straight Talk With Sam
The Second Amendment
I read this week that Time Magazine named Bambi as one of the top 25 horror movies of all time. The 1942 classic appeared on the list with “Jaws”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “Psycho”. Time explained that the movie gave “a primal shock that still haunts oldsters who saw it 30, 50, 65 years ago.”
In Missouri, we open deer season this week. The only fear most of us have from deer is that they will jump in front of our truck at night. I’m reminded that people on the coasts sometimes see things differently than you and I.
In 1789, James Madison drafted the first ten amendments to our Constitution. There were actually 12 of them, but only 10 of them were ratified in 1791. Among them was the second amendment which stated: “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
From time to time, some in Congress have proposed weakening gun enthusiasts’ rights. Those attempts have failed. They have failed because taking away people’s rights is never the answer.
I believe in the Bill of Rights. Congress should tread very lightly when it comes to weakening any of the Amendments to the Constitution. The right to keep and bear arms is as fundamental as the right to free speech.
I believe Missourians have the right to keep and bear arms. I will fight any future legislation that undermines that right.
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113 Blue Jay Drive
Suite 100
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Phone: (816) 792-3976
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Room 330
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Phone: (816) 233-9818
Fax: (816) 233-9848