
Mass Spectrometry Interest Group of the NCI at Frederick

Why join? Although meetings and seminars are posted on the Mass Spectrometry Interest Group's WEB pages, members receive reminders by e-mail. In addition, an e-mail newsletter/bulletin board is being planned. The intent of this would be to allow members to rapidly and conveniently share information related to instrumentation, experimental technique, troubleshooting, data analysis, availability of job/post-doc positions, etc.

Please e-mail us and provide the following information:

  1. Name.
  2. Institute/University/Company.
  3. Telephone Number.
  4. E-Mail Address.
  5. If you/your laboratory/your office has a WEB page to which you wish linked to your name, please include the WEB page's URL (i.e. http://.............).
  6. Indicate your preference for e-mailings you want to receive: (A) no e-mail, (B) seminars and meetings only, (C) all announcements. If no preference is indicated, you will receive notices of seminars and meetings only.

Alternatively, you may call or FAX the information to:

Larry Phillips - 301-846-1234 (voice) - 301-846-6860 (FAX)

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Updated 22-October-2002

Copyright © 1999-2006 The National Cancer Institute at Frederick (Frederick, MD 21701 USA)