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Speaker: Jim Lau, Agilent Technologies, West 120 Century Road, Paramus, NJ 07653

Topic: A Survey of Small Molecule Analysis with an Ion Trap LCMS

Place: Building 426, Conference Room, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD

Time: Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 2:00 PM

Abstract: There is an abundance of current literature detailing the ability of an ion trap lcms to determine structure for proteins and peptides. New areas of research for which the ion trap lcms is becoming well suited, is the structural analysis of small molecules. This research was always possible, but due to new advances in the ion trap lcms, this research is now simplified. In addition, due to new faster cycle times, the instruments are now being used to do small molecule quantitations. Examples of small molecule structural work will be shown along with information on the technology behind variable excitation during ms/ms or higher order fragmentation. Examples of quantitation using high speed cycle times will also be shown along with information on the technology behind the lower accumulation and scan times.

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Updated 9-October-2001

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