Exposure Biology RFA Application Information Meeting – Agenda

Date: Friday, October 20, 2006
Time: 1:00–5:30 pm
Place: NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC
1:00–1:20 pm Welcome – Brenda Weis (NIEHS)
Webcast Video
  Overview – Brenda Weis (NIEHS)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
1:20–1:50 pm Biological Response Indicators of Environmental Stress RFAs (U01 and U54) –
Sally Tinkle (NIEHS)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
1:50–2:10 pm

Environmental Sensors for Personal Exposure Assessment RFA (U01) –
David Balshaw (NIEHS)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

2:10–2:30 pm Improved Measures of Diet and Physical Activity RFA (U01) –
Amy Subar / Cay Loria (NCI / NHLBI)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
2:30–2:50 pm

Field-Deployable Tools for Quantifying Exposures to Psychosocial Stress and to Addictive Substances for Studies of Health and Disease RFA (U01) –
Kay Wanke / Kevin Conway (NIDA)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

2:50–3:10 pm Overview of the “U” Mechanism and the Review and Grants Management Process –
Gwen Collman (NIEHS)
Webcast Video
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
3:10–3:25 pm General Open Discussion and Questions – All
Webcast Video

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This page last updated: October 24, 2006