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Press Releases 2009, 2008, 2007

Picture of Fred with Big Brothers Big Sisters in Kalamazoo

 January 23, 2009 - Entire Congressional Delegation Asks President for Help Creating Green Jobs and Cars of the Future in Michigan

 January 15, 2009 - Manzullo & Upton: Tax Credit to Purchase New Vehicles Would Stimulate Economy, Create Jobs

 December 19, 2008 - Upton: Auto Loans are an Investment in American Jobs

 December 12, 2008 - Michigan Congressional Delegation Urges White House for Swift Action to Help Automakers

 December 11, 2008 - Upton Statement on Senate Failure to Approve Auto Loans

 December 11, 2008 - Upton Hails Michigan State’s Selection for Cutting-Edge Research Facility

 December 10, 2008 - Upton Applauds House Passage of Loans for U.S. Automakers, Urges Swift Passage in the Senate

 December 5, 2008 - Dingell, Upton Say Paulson Must Help Working Americans Before Getting More TARP Money

 November 20, 2008 - Upton Statement on the Honorable John Dingell

 November 19, 2008 - Upton Urges Congress to Support Auto Industry & Preserve Middle-Class Jobs

 November 18, 2008 - Upton to Testify on Behalf of Auto Industry & Middle Class Jobs Tomorrow

 November 18, 2008 - Auto Caucus Urges Leadership to Extend EESA to Auto Makers

 November 18, 2008 - Upton Comments on Death of Rep. Paul Todd

 November 10, 2008 - Michigan Delegation Urges Immediate Action on Auto Industry

 October 31, 2008 - Upton to Present Medal to 90 Year-old Portage WWII Veteran Tomorrow

 October 26, 2008 - Upton Announces Funding to Combat Housing Discrimination in SW Michigan

 October 22, 2008 - Michigan Delegation Calls on Paulson, Bernanke to Help Restore Liquidity to Auto Industry

 October 20, 2008 - Upton Pleased Property Rights of Curious Kids’ Museum Now Belong to St. Joseph Community

 October 20, 2008 - Upton Hails New High School Training Program Putting Students on Path for High Paying Nuclear Jobs

 October 17, 2008 - Upton: New High School Training Program will Help Prepare Students for High Paying Nuclear Jobs

 October 15, 2008 - Upton Delivers $3.6 Million to Locally Develop Revolutionary Hybrid Technologies

 October 10, 2008 - Upton to Announce Major Funding to Bridge Digital Divide & Boost Local Economy in Rural Michigan

 October 3, 2008 - Congress Puts Michigan's Working Families First, Passes Economic Stabilization Package

 October 1, 2008 - Upton Set to Return to DC Thursday on Heels of Senate Passage of Financial Rescue Plan

 September 29, 2008 - Upton Statement on Financial Crisis

 September 24, 2008 - VICTORY! Upton Hails Loans to Boost Michigan’s Automakers & Create Jobs

 September 24, 2008 - Upton to Speak on Loan Package to Boost U.S. Auto Industry

 September 23, 2008 - Upton Hails House Passage of Great Lakes Compact – Measure Clears Final Hurdle

 September 22, 2008 - Vote on Great Lakes Compact Postponed Until Tomorrow

 September 22, 2008 - Congressmen Donnelly and Upton Express Support for the Great Lakes Compact

 September 19, 2008 - Upton & Donnelly to Highlight Great Lakes Compact

 September 18, 2008 - Upton Hails House Action to Triple Funding for Great Lakes Cleanup

 September 17, 2008 - House Poised to Triple Funding for Great Lakes Cleanup

 September 16, 2008 - Upton Urges Bipartisan “All of the Above” Energy Plan – Democrat Measure Will Increase Electricity Rates & Cost Jobs

 September 15, 2008 - An investment, not a bailout

 September 12, 2008 - Upton: After a Five Week Recess, Congress Should Be Debating “All of the Above” Energy Plan

 September 9, 2008 - Upton Welcomes New Flight Service to Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Int’l Airport

 August 27, 2008 - Upton: KVCC/WMU’s Bold Partnership Will Generate Clean Wind Power & Create Jobs

 August 27, 2008 - Upton & Local Business Leaders to Discuss Impact of High Energy Prices and the Need for a Long-term, “All of the Above” Approach

 August 26, 2008 - Upton to Highlight KVCC/WMU Partnership to Generate Clean Wind Power & Create Jobs

 August 20, 2008 - Upton to Present Service Medal to Decatur Navy Veteran Tomorrow

 August 19, 2008 - Upton Marks 6 Months Until Transition to Digital Television

 August 15, 2008 - Upton Hails Approval of Final Permit for Harbor Shores

 August 8, 2008 - Upton Hails Return of Commercial Activity to SJ Harbor

 August 8, 2008 - BREAKING NEWS: St. Joe Harbor Back Open for Business - First Freighter Arrived @ 8:30am this Morning

 August 6, 2008 - Looming Back to School Season should = Back to Congress

 August 6, 2008 - Upton Spearheads Bipartisan Effort to Advance Clean Coal Technologies & Cut Greenhouse Gases

 August 5, 2008 - Upton to Unveil Bipartisan Bill to Advance Clean Coal Technologies & Cut Greenhouse Gases

 August 3, 2008 - Upton Backs Calls for Congress to Reconvene & Tackle Unfinished Business to Lower Energy Prices

 July 30, 2008 - Upton: Working Americans Deserve a Vote to Lower Gas Prices NOT a Vote for Adjournment

 July 30, 2008 - Consumer Safety Package with Upton Recall Measure to Save Kids’ Lives Clears Final Hurdle

 July 28, 2008 - Groundbreaking Dialogue on Energy to Begin at Noon EST from New Orleans

 July 24, 2008 - House Readies Action on Great Lakes Compact

 July 23, 2008 - Upton: Interior’s Proposed Regulations to Unlock Western Oil Shale an Important Step – Now Congress Must Lift Roadblock

 July 20, 2008 - GOP Leaders Tap Upton for Groundbreaking Debate on Energy vs. Democrats in New Orleans on July 28th 

 July 19, 2008 - Upton to address rising fuel costs and the desperate need for American-made energy with Kalamazoo Chamber & Sturgis Rotary

 July 18, 2008 - Upton to Welcome Cancer Society’s Fight Back Express to Venetian Festival Saturday

 July 17, 2008 - Upton Hails Disaster Declaration to Help Local Farmers

 July 17, 2008 - Upton Spearheads Effort Urging Speaker Pelosi to Hold Votes to Provide Working Americans Relief at the Pump

 July 17, 2008 - Upton Applauds Cable Industry’s Partnership with National Center for Missing & Exploited Children to Fight Child Pornography

 July 17, 2008 - Upton Comments on Improving Energy Efficiency for Buildings

 July 16, 2008 - Upton Works to Preserve Health Care for Michigan’s Seniors & Veterans - Supports Veto Override

 July 15, 2008 - Upton: Recycling of Spent Nuclear Fuel Offers Great Promise

 July 14, 2008 - Upton Echoes Calls for Congress to Lift Ban on Offshore Drilling

 July 10, 2008 - Upton Pushes Bipartisan Carbon Capture and Storage Bill

 July 8, 2008 - Upton: Public Transit Critical for Working Americans in Wake of Record Gas Prices

 July 3, 2008 - Upton Working to Return Control of St. Joe's Landmark Lighthouse to Community

 July 1, 2008 - Upton to discuss rising fuel costs and the need for American-made energy with Kalamazoo Kiwanis and attend Stryker Patriot Celebration

 June 30, 2008 - Upton & Law Enforcement to Discuss Record Fuel Costs – Highlight Desperate Need for American-made Energy

 June 30, 2008 - Upton – A Greater Commitment to Nuclear Will Power Millions of Homes & U.S. Economy

 June 27, 2008 - Upton to Announce Local Scholarship Program - Unveil National Plan to Create Jobs & Fortify Energy Security

 June 26, 2008 - Upton Secures $300K for Scholarships to Tackle Nursing Shortage in Kalamazoo

 June 25, 2008 - Upton Delivers $1 Million to Dredge St. Joe Harbor in 2009

 June 19, 2008 - Upton Pays Tribute to “Mr. Niles” in U.S. House

 June 19, 2008 - Upton Comments on Climate Change Proposals

 June 18, 2008 - Upton Hails President’s Call for American-Made Energy

 June 13, 2008 - Upton Comments on Death of Tim Russert

 June 13, 2008 - Upton Works to Fight Child Cancer, House Passes Bill to Expand Research

 June 12, 2008 - Upton Works to Fulfill Nation’s Commitment to Amtrak - Service Critical for Michigan Families in Face of Record Fuel Prices

 June 12, 2008 - Upton Hails Additional Relief for Michigan’s Unemployed Workers

 June 10, 2008 - President Signs Upton Measure Returning Property Rights of Curious Kids’ Museum Back to the St. Joseph Community

 June 9, 2008 - Upton Hails $2.5 Million to Boost Kalamazoo Housing & Community Development

 June 3, 2008 - Upton Applauds Energy Dept. Application to Build Nuclear Repository Deep inside Yucca Mountain

 May 23, 2008 - Upton Touts Veterans History Project as Proper Tribute to Honor Those who Served this Memorial Day

 May 21, 2008 - Upton Works to Extend Tax Incentives to Enhance Solar & Wind Power, Boost Local Economy

 May 20, 2008 - Upton Comments on Long-term Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

 May 13, 2008 - Upton: Suspending SPR a Noteworthy Step, but Long-Term Solutions Essential

 May 12, 2008 - Dredging of St. Joe Harbor Set to Begin within Days

 May 9, 2008 - Upton to Detail Progress of St. Joe Harbor Dredging

 May 8, 2008 - Upton Welcomes Michigan WWII Vets to Nation’s Capital on 63rd Anniversary of V-E Day

 May 7, 2008 - Upton to Welcome Nearly 2 Dozen SW Michigan WWII Vets to Nation’s Capital Tomorrow

 May 6, 2008 - Upton Comments On Internet Freedom Preservation Act

 May 6, 2008 - Upton Comments on Renewable Fuels Standard

 April 29, 2008 - Upton Joins Knollenberg Effort to Boost Auto Sector, Create Jobs in MI

 April 25, 2008 - Upton to Host Business Workshop Monday in Effort to Boost Local Economy

 April 24, 2008 - Upton Seeks to Raise Local Awareness of Autism

 April 22, 2008 - Upton Hails MPI Expansion to Create 3,300 New Jobs in SW Michigan

 April 21, 2008 - Upton Bill Keeps Kids Safe at School - Promotes K-12 Emergency Alert System

 April 18, 2008 - Upton to Unveil Bill to Promote Emergency Alert System for K-12

 April 16, 2008 - Upton to Announce Major Funding for KVCC Life Science Initiative

 April 16, 2008 - Upton Welcomes President’s Call to Improve the Environment while Protecting U.S. Jobs

 April 15, 2008 - Upton Comments on 700 MHz Auction

 April 10, 2008 - Upton Comments on Clean Air Act’s Role in Reducing Greenhouse Gas

 April 8, 2008 - Army Corps Heeds Upton’s Call with Emergency Declaration for Harbor

 March 28, 2008 - Upton Gravely Concerned with Depth of Harbor, Urges Swift Action

 March 28, 2008 - Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Winds Down, Upton Urges Continued Diligence in Fighting the Disease

 March 27, 2008 - Upton to Urge Emergency Dredging of St. Joe Harbor

 March 12, 2008 - Upton Comments on Nation’s Pipelines

 March 7, 2008 - Upton Reminds Folks to Spring Forward this Weekend

 March 5, 2008 - Upton Comments on Climate Change

 March 3, 2008 - Upton Works to Ensure Seniors Receive Stimulus Checks

 February 29, 2008 - Upton Concerned Seniors Won’t Receive their Stimulus Checks

 February 14, 2008 - Upton Fights to Protect Michigan’s Economy from Unfair Gov’t Penalties

 February 7, 2008 - Upton Applauds Final Passage of Economic Growth Package

 February 7, 2008 - Upton Applauds Budget’s Commitment to Nuclear & Clean Coal

 January 29, 2008 - Upton Hails House Passage of Pork-Free Economic Stimulus Package

 January 28, 2008 - Upton Praises President’s Comments on Economy, Call to Make Tax Cuts Permanent

 January 17, 2008 - Upton Comments on Climate Change

Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District