Congressman Sander Levin

Restricting Trash Imports from Canada

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On April 24, 2007 the House of Representatives unanimously approved the International Solid Waste Importation Act [H.R. 518]. The measure was sponsored by Rep. John Dingell, and cosponsored by the entire Michigan House Delegation.

Canada is the second largest country in the world, yet for many years it has exported significant amounts of its solid waste to the United States. More than 400 trucks a day cross the border bringing municipal solid waste from Canada to Michigan.

Over the years, there have been a number of efforts to address this situation. In 1992, the U.S. and Canada reached a bilateral agreement to regulate transboundary shipments of municipal solid waste, but the agreement has never been implemented.

The legislation approved by the House requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to issue regulations to implement the agreement within two years. The bill also allows states to enact laws or issue regulations to control foreign municipal solid waste until the Administrator issues final regulations to implement the bilateral agreement.

The Senate must approve H.R. 518 ( and the President must sign it in order for the measure to become law.