Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
March 26, 2007 - March 30, 2007

House Approves Wounded Warrior Assistance Act

On March 28, the House of Representatives unanimously adopted legislation [H.R. 1538, the "Wounded Warrior Assistance Act" ] to improve the care of wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In mid-February, the Washington Post reported the results of a four-month investigation at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center that uncovered the shocking living conditions, inattentive care and bureaucratic hassles experienced by some of the wounded soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan and are now outpatients. The House-passed bill responds to these problems by, among other reforms, improving the system of case managers for wounded service members and creating a system of patient advocates.

Lawmakers Unveil New Trade Policy for America

On March 27, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Sander Levin unveiled, "A New Trade Policy for America" to improve pending free trade agreements and to set overall trade policy on the right track. "We must use trade as a tool to shape globalization and spread its benefits more broadly," urged Rep. Levin, "Congress, and this Democratic Majority, is reasserting its constitutional authority to stand up for U.S. businesses, workers, and farmers in the global marketplace." For additional information, click here.

House Approves Contracting Reform Bill

On March 15, the House of Representatives voted 347 to 73 to approve the "Accountability in Contracting Act" [H.R. 1362]. In recent years, there have been a number of scandals involving no-bid contracts for Iraq and the Hurricane Katrina cleanup. Congress has exposed a pattern of reckless spending, poor planning, and ineffective oversight in contracting that has resulted in the waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. H.R. 1362 would reduce the use of no-bid contracts, mandate disclosure of no-bid contracts and contract overcharges, and close the revolving door between government procurement officials and private contractors. Rep. Levin voted in support of this legislation. Click here to learn more.

Rep. Levin Introduces Bill Reforming the Presidential Nominating System

On March 14, Rep. Levin introduced the "Interregional Presidential Primary and Caucus Act of 2007" [H.R. 1523], a bill that would create an interregional system for the selection of delegates to Presidential nominating conventions through primaries and caucuses. Rep. Levin called his bill a "long overdue step towards fixing the broken system of the Presidential primary and caucus schedule. Instead of states making a mad dash to the front of the line, we need an orderly primary and caucus system that combines the need to bring Americans truly into the decision-making process with the need to allow candidates the opportunity to interact meaningfully with citizens throughout the nation." Click here to read more.

Funding for Lake St. Clair Clears Key Hurdle

On March 15, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee signed off on legislation that includes a provision calling for federal funding to help carry out restoration projects in Lake St. Clair. The provision, which was requested by Rep. Levin earlier this year, calls for up to $10 million annually to allow the Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the state of Michigan and local government, to implement the recommendations of the comprehensive management plan for Lake St. Clair that was approved in 2005. "We have a management plan to restore Lake St. Clair," said Rep. Levin, "The challenge is to turn the management plans recommendations into action. Everyone, including the federal government, has to step forward and take responsibility for this." Read more by clicking here.

Trade Panel Holds Hearing on China Subsidies

The Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee recently held the second in a series of hearings focused on our trading relationship with China. This hearing highlighted bipartisan legislation [H.R. 1229, the "Nonmarket Economy Trade Remedy Act" ] that would allow our countervailing duty laws to apply to nonmarket economy countries, like China, that dump products unfairly into our market to gain an unfair advantage the global marketplace. This legislation would crack down on China's abuses and unwillingness to live up to its World Trade Organization commitments. Chairman Levin opened the hearing by calling our trading relationship with China "unbalanced" and "unsustainable" and argued that China's extensive use of subsidies results in an unfair playing field. Click here to learn more.




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