Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : November 19 - 23, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
Week of November 19 - 23, 2007

House Votes to Overhaul Electronic Surveillance Law

On November 15, the House of Representatives approved legislation [H.R. 3773, the RESTORE Act] to overhaul the rules governing when and how the federal government can listen in on Americans’ phone calls, e-mails, and other communications.  Under a stop-gap law that Congress approved back in August, there are few privacy safeguards to ensure that the government does not misuse its electronic surveillance powers.  The RESTORE legislation updates the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to give the intelligence community the tools it needs to track terrorists, while at the same time protecting the constitutional rights of Americans. 

The House approved the bill by a vote of 227 to 189.  The White House is threatening to veto the legislation. 

To read a summary of the RESTORE Act, click here.

House Approves Timetable for Redeployment of Troops out of Iraq

On November 14, the House approved legislation [H.R. 4156, the Orderly and Responsible Iraq Redeployment Act] to provide funding to meet the immediate needs of troops in the field and require the redeployment of American combat troops from Iraq.  The legislation requires troop redeployment to begin within 30 days of enactment and sets a December 15, 2008 goal for redeployment completion.

Speaking in favor of the legislation, Rep. Levin said, “The issue before the House today is straightforward.  Do we think the President’s Iraq policy is working so well that we should give him another $200 billion to continue it, or do we need a fundamental change in direction?   I truly believe we need to change an Iraq policy that is simply not working.”  

For additional information, click here.  

The House approved H.R. 4156 on a vote of 218 to 203.  (To view the House vote, click here.)  On November 16, opponents of the House-passed bill blocked the Senate from even taking a final vote on the legislation.  Congress will continue to debate this matter when it reconvenes in December.

Lawmakers Adopt Mortgage Reform Bill

On November 16, the House voted 291 to127 to approve bipartisan legislation [H.R. 3915, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act] aimed at protecting homebuyers from predatory lending that has led to the recent mortgage crisis across the country.  This bill seeks to rein in abusive lending practices and protect consumers by preventing reckless loans from being made in the first place.
“We cannot ignore skyrocketing foreclosure rates in Michigan and across the nation,” said Rep. Levin.  “Adjustable Rate Mortgages, ballooning repayment schemes and abandonment of reasonable qualifying standards for mortgage applicants has led to an unacceptable number of families losing their homes.  This crisis threatens the ability of middle class families to afford the American Dream of homeownership.” 

For more information, click here

To Our Readers

The House of Representatives adjourned until December 4 when Congress will reconvene to complete action on the 2008 appropriations bills and other matters.  With Congress out of session, the Connector will suspend weekly updates until the House and Senate return.  The next issue of the Connector will go out on December 11. 


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