Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : October 22 - 26, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
October 22 - 26, 2007

Attempt to Override Veto of Children’s Health Bill Comes Up 13 Votes Short

On October 18, the House failed to override President Bush’s veto of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization [H.R. 976] which sought to provide health care coverage to more than 10 million low-income children.  While a large majority of the House voted to override, the 273 to 156 rollcall was 13 votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to override. 

To see how the House voted, click here.

An article in support of the CHIP bill by Rep. Levin recently appeared in the Oakland Press.  To read the article, click here.

White House Requests $46 Billion More in War Funding

On October 22, President Bush requested an additional $45.9 billion in emergency funds for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, boosting the Bush Administration’s total spending requests for these conflicts to $196 billion for fiscal year 2008.  The U.S. has already spent $450 billion on the war in Iraq, not including the $196 billion requested for 2008.

House Votes to Rebuke U.S. State Department on Iraq Corruption

On October 16, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution [H.Res. 734] that condemns the U.S. State Department for withholding information about the extent of corruption within the Iraqi government from Congress and the American people.  The resolution, which was adopted on a bipartisan vote of 395 to 21, also rebukes the State Department for retroactively classifying documents that had been widely distributed previously as unclassified, and by directing its employees not to answer questions in an open congressional hearing.

To view a letter from four House Committee Chairman to Secretary of State Rice expressing concern about endemic corruption in Iraq and the refusal of State Department officials to answer basic questions about the impact of corruption within Iraq, click here.

House Adopts Extension of Internet Tax Moratorium

On October 16, the House overwhelmingly voted to extend the existing moratorium on Internet taxes for four years.  The Internet tax moratorium prevents states and local governments from imposing new taxes on Internet access.  The House approved the Internet Tax Freedom Act Amendments Act [H.R. 3678] on a vote of 405 to 2.  The U.S. Senate must approve the legislation before November 1, when the current Internet tax moratorium expires.

Legislation to Overhaul the Trade Adjustment Assistance program Introduced

Rep. Levin and other House Members recently introduced legislation to completely overhaul the federal program to assist workers impacted by globalization.  The legislation would expand TAA coverage to more workers, including service workers, and substantially improve training opportunities and health care benefits provided.  The bill also creates new benefits and tax incentives for industries and communities that have been hit hard by trade.  Finally, the legislation would promote long-needed reforms to the unemployment insurance system, recognizing that all unemployed workers, and not just those who lose their jobs because of trade, deserve our support in getting back on their feet.

The Week Ahead

The House is expected to debate the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007.  The House is also expected to consider the Virginia Ridge and Valley Act of 2007 [H.R. 1011], as well as legislation [H.R. 1483] to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Management Act.  Lawmakers will also debate the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act [H.R. 505] and the Small Business Contracting Program Improvements Act [H.R. 3867]. 


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