Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : Week of September 17 - 21, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
Week of September 17 - 21, 2007

Landmark Lobbying & Ethics Bill Signed into Law

On September 14, President Bush signed the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act [S. 1] into law.  The legislation, which was one of the top priorities of the incoming Democratic leadership of the House and Senate this year, has been described as the most far reaching overhaul of Congressional ethics rules since the Watergate era.  Among its many other provisions, the new law requires unprecedented levels of disclosure on the interactions between lobbyists and legislators.  It also bans gifts from lobbyists and limits privately-funded travel; further, it ends the “pay-to-play” scheme known as the “K Street Project,” and it closes the revolving door between Congress and lobbyists. 

To see a summary of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, click here.

Michigan Lawmakers Push for Achievable Increase in Vehicle Fuel Economy

On June 21, the Senate approved an energy bill that included a provision to require vehicle manufacturers to greatly increase the fuel efficiency of cars, light trucks and SUVs.  While there is broad agreement that vehicle fuel economy has to rise, it’s important that any increase give automakers enough time and flexibility to meet the challenge. 

The Senate-passed bill requires that cars, trucks and sport-utility vehicle achieve 35 miles per gallon by 2020.  (By comparison, the current U.S. efficiency standards are 27.5 miles per gallon for cars and 22.2 per gallon for SUVs and small trucks.)

Because of the damage such an unworkable increase in fuel economy rules could have on our State’s economy and auto employment, nearly the entire Michigan House Delegation has cosponsored an alternative bill [H.R. 2927] that would boost fuel economy to between 32 and 35 mpg by 2022.  This is a significant increase in vehicle fuel efficiency, but it is also realistic and achievable.

New Hike/Bike Path Opens in Clinton Township

On September 15, Rep. Levin joined local officials and citizens at the ribbon cutting for the final segment of the “Golden Triangle” path in Clinton Township.  The new 1.7-mile path connects two other local trails, forming a triangle around nearby parks.  Several years ago, community volunteers and bike path enthusiasts from the City approached Rep. Levin’s office to ask for federal assistance to help build the trail.  Congress ultimately provided $500,000 for the project.

For more information, click here.

The Week Ahead

This week the House of Representatives will consider the Expanding American Homeownership Act [H.R. 1852] as well as the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act [H.R. 2761].  The House is also expected to debate the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act [H.R. 2881], which will provide resources to modernize our nation’s air transportation system.



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