Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : Week of July 30 - August 3, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
Week of July 30 - August 3, 2007
Congress Gives Final Approval to Implementation of  9/11 Commission Recommendations

On July 27, the House of Representatives adopted legislation [H.R. 1] that would write into law many of the remaining recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission.  In 2004, the 9/11 Commission submitted 41 recommendations to the Bush Administration and Congress on improving homeland security and preventing terrorism, but nearly 3 years later many of these have only been partially implemented and others not at all. 

Among its many provisions, H.R. 1 requires 100% screening of seaborne containers bound for the U.S. within 5 years.  The bill also requires 100% screening of cargo on passenger aircraft within 3 years, and ensures that homeland security grants will be allocated primarily on the basis of risk.  The House approved the measure on a bipartisan vote of 371 to 40, clearing the legislation to be sent to the White House for the President’s signature. 

For more information, click here.

House Votes to Ban Permanent U.S. Bases in Iraq

On July 25, the House voted 399 to 24 to adopt legislation [H.R. 2929] that states that it is the policy of the United States not to establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing a permanent stationing of U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq.  H.R. 2929 also states that it is the policy of the United States not to exercise U.S. control of the oil resources of Iraq.  The measure bars the use of any funds provided by any law from being used to carry out any policy that contradicts these statements of policy. 

House Disapproves Plan to Increase Pollution in Great Lakes

On July 25, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly adopted a resolution [H.Con.Res. 187] to express disapproval of the State of Indiana Department of Environmental Management for its decision to allow British Petroleum (BP) to dump ammonia and suspended solids into Lake Michigan.  The House approved the measure on a vote of 387 to 26. 

“For all that the Great Lakes region and Michigan offer, nothing is quite as valuable as our Great Lakes,” said Rep. Levin, one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “Communities in Michigan have been working for years to steadily reduce water pollution.  The decision to increase pollution at the BP refinery goes in exactly the wrong direction.  We need to do more – not less – to protect the Great Lakes.” 

For more information, click here.

Michigan Lawmakers Win Funding for Macomb Communities to Purchase Emergency Radios

As was underscored in the report of the independent 9/11 Commission, it is critically important that first responders be able to communicate with each other during an emergency.  On July 26, the House approved the annual funding bill for the Justice Department.  Included in the legislation is $1.075 million in federal funding for interoperable communications for Macomb County Emergency Management.  The funding was made possible through dual requests made by Reps. Levin and Miller.  The next stop for this legislation is the United States Senate. 

For more information, click here

The Week Ahead

This week, the House of Representatives will wrap up its work on the annual funding bills for fiscal year 2008, which begins on October 1.  The House will debate funding for the Department of Agriculture, as well as the appropriations bill for the Department of Defense.   The House is also expected to work on legislation to renew and expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which provides health care to millions of American children whose families cannot afford insurance.  Finally, the House will take up the Energy Independence Act later in the week. 


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