Congressman Sander Levin

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  The Congressional Connector
Week of March 31 - April 4, 2008

Lawmakers Call for New China Trade Strategy

On March 27, fifteen key members from the House Ways and Means Committee, including Chairman Charles B. Rangel and Rep. Levin, wrote to President Bush to urge him to adopt and implement a new strategy for dealing with China’s persistent currency manipulation and other trade issues. 

The letter read, in part, “China’s undervaluation of [their currency,] the yuan makes U.S. exports to China more expensive and Chinese exports to the United States cheaper, contributing to massive U.S. trade deficits, lost jobs, and a suppression of U.S. growth.”  In 2007, the U.S. trade deficit with China surged past one-quarter of a trillion dollars....  At this time of economic insecurity, American workers, farmers and businesses can ill-afford to allow China to continue to undervalue its currency.” 

For more information,click here.

Great Lakes Advocates Call for Restoration of Lake St. Clair

On March 19, Rep. Levin addressed the 4th Binational Lake St. Clair Conference, discussing efforts to restore and protect Lake St. Clair.  The conference, sponsored by the Great Lakes Commission, was a gathering of resource managers, local officials, elected representatives, citizens’ groups, business representatives, local residents and members of the news media with an interest in the Lake St. Clair watershed.  “Wherever you live, whatever your party affiliation—Lake St. Clair and the Great Lakes need to be sustained as the national and international treasures they are,” said Rep. Levin, “All stakeholders must do everything we can to return the Lakes to their original form.”

For more information, click here.  Rep. Levin and other Michigan lawmakers are seeking federal funding to help local efforts to restore Lake St. Clair.

House Lawmakers Support Manufacturing Extension Partnership Funding

With the critical U.S. manufacturing sector being hit hard by the economic downturn, on March 19, more that 190 House lawmakers sent a letter to the House Appropriations Committee asking for $122 million for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program for fiscal year 2009.  The MEP is the only federal program dedicated to providing technical support and services to small- and medium-sized manufacturers.  Local MEP centers in every state help them compete in the global marketplace; support greater supply chain integration; and provide access to information, training, and technologies that improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. 

To view the letter, click here.

Congressional Connector Moves to Local Cable

We are going to re-start a local government access television program, The Congressional Connection, which will be broadcast throughout Oakland and Macomb counties.  This week we are going to tape the first show on the economy and the importance of extending unemployment insurance.

One portion of the program will feature our “Community Mail Bag.” During this segment, Rep. Levin will read and answer questions from local residents on the air.  If you would like to submit a question for our Community Mail Bag, please Click here .

The Week Ahead

On Wednesday, the House is expected to take up a Global HIV/AIDS bill [H.R. 5501] to strengthen U.S. bilateral and multilateral programs to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria.  The House will also consider the U.S. Fire Administration Reauthorization [H.R. 4847].
