Congressman Sander Levin

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  The Congressional Connector
January 22, 2008
Congress Reconvenes, Lawmakers Focus on Kickstarting the Economy
The House of Representatives reconvened on January 15 to begin the 2nd session of the 110th Congress as returning lawmakers made clear that shoring up the faltering U.S. economy would be the first order of business.  The Leadership of the House and Senate is working on a bipartisan basis with the President to develop and quickly approve an economic stimulus package that puts money into the hands of American families who will turn it around into a much-needed boost for the U.S. economy.
Responding to President Bush’s address last week on the need for economic stimulus, Rep. Levin stated, “The willingness of the Bush Administration to work with both Republicans and Democrats in the Congress on an economic stimulus package is both welcomed and vital.  If we stay focused on the principle that an economic stimulus package should be timely, targeted and temporary, we can reach bi-partisan agreement on the details and move forward quickly to provide relief where it is needed most.  The President referred today to ‘a risk of a downturn,’ but millions of families including those in Michigan have already been experiencing a downturn in their economic security.” 

To read the full statement, click here
Government to Release Low-Income Heating Assistance to States
With tough economic times and temperatures dipping into single digits in many parts of the country, the federal government announced last week that it is releasing $450 million in energy assistance to help families struggling to keep their heat on throughout the winter.  Just over $27 million of this amount will go to help households in Michigan.  At the request of Rep. Levin and other members of the House, Congress included these funds in the budget agreement that was approved in December.
Responding to the Administration’s release of the funding, Rep. Levin said, “With oil and natural gas costs skyrocketing, many families, individuals with disabilities and senior citizens are finding their home energy costs have become unaffordable.  These funds will help those struggling to keep their heat on through the duration of the winter.” 

For more information, click here.    
House Adopts Legislation to Improve Mining Safety
On January 16, the House approved legislation [H.R. 2768] to improve the safety of America’s miners.  Despite significant progress over the last several decades, mining remains one of the most dangerous jobs in America, as was underscored last August when six miners and three rescuers died in the Crandall Canyon Mine.  The legislation, which was approved on a vote of 214 to 199, includes provisions to help prevent mining disasters, improve emergency response, and reduce long-term health effects.  

To read a summary of the bill, click here.

House Committee Investigates Steroid Use in Major League Baseball
On January 15, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing to examine Senator George Mitchell’s investigation into the illegal use of steroids in Major League Baseball.  The recently released Mitchell Report has raised significant concerns about the pervasive use of performance enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball for more than a decade. 
Senator Mitchell testified that during the period covered by his report he found “the use of steroids in Major League Baseball to be widespread” and that the response by the MLB was “slow to develop and initially ineffective.”  He urged everyone involved in baseball to join in a “well-planned, well-executed, and sustained effort to bring the era of steroids and human growth hormone to an end.”

To view Senator Mitchell’s complete testimony click here.
The Week Ahead
On Wednesday, January 22, the House will vote on overriding the President’s veto of H.R. 3963, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) bill.  President Bush vetoed this legislation last month after the measure cleared the House on a bipartisan vote of 265 to 142.  Overriding the veto would provide health care coverage for 10 million children.  The funding is especially vital now during a period of rising unemployment, as more and more American parents are having difficulty finding affordable health insurance for their children.  In order to approve this legislation over the President’s objections, two-thirds of the House must vote to override. 
