Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
January 14, 2009
Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009
(Washington D.C.)- Madam Speaker, some of the issues we debate in Congress are complicated.  This one is quite simple.  Americans want the children of this country covered by health insurance.

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program currently covers about 7 million children, including 114,000 kids in my home State of Michigan.  However, there are still about 9 million children in our country who are uninsured.  This is unconscionable.  No mother should have to worry about whether she can pay for the health care her child needs.  No father should have to take his son to the emergency room because he does not have insurance to visit a primary care doctor. No society should allow a child to go without the security health insurance provides.

Congress passed two SCHIP bills last session.  Both pieces of legislation were bipartisan, and both cleared the House and Senate with large majorities.  Unfortunately, President Bush vetoed these bills.

As economic conditions have worsened over the course of the last year and more and more children have lost health insurance, this bill has become even more vital to ensuring that children do not fall through the cracks of our current health care system.  The legislation under consideration today would extend coverage to another 4 million low-income children.  It is an important step toward the goal of ensuring that all Americans, especially children, have the quality and affordable health care they need.

President-elect Obama strongly supports this SCHIP legislation.  I can think of no better beginning to the next 4 years than to send the new President this critical investment in children’s health.  I urge my colleagues to vote for passage of H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009.
