Congressman Sander Levin

An Overview of the 2007 Service Academy Nomination Process

Return to Service Nominations  

United State Military Academy

United States Naval Academy

United States Air Force Academy

United States Merchant Marine Academy

United States Coast Guard Academy

• Students contact my district office to request an application.

• Applications are due Friday, November 16, 2007 in my district office.

• Once completed applications are received, students receive a letter notifying them of their interview slot with the Nomination Selection Committee.

• Student interviews with the Nomination Selection Committee are held Saturday, December 8, 2007 at my district office. After completion, the committee submits their recommendations for nominations to me.

• Students receive a letter notifying them of whether they are receiving a nomination by the end of December.

• Nominations are submitted by my office to the respective academies by the January 31, 2008 deadline. Once nominations are submitted, it is up to the respective Academies to offer an appointment.

• Students who are offered an appointment by the Academies are notified sometime in February, March, or April of 2008.

• May 1, 2008 is the deadline for students to accept their appointment.

• Appointees enter their respective Academies in July 2008.