Congressman Sander Levin

Reducing Fuel Costs and Becoming More Energy Independent

Return to Jobs Manufacturing Economy  

Over the years, our nation’s energy policy has been far too shortsighted, focusing on finding more oil rather than finding long term solutions to rising energy prices. The House recently passed energy legislation [H.R. 6899] that helps bring an end to our dependence on foreign oil by promoting efficiency and investing in renewable sources of energy. My colleagues in the Senate should pass this legislation without delay.

We must also do what we can to provide immediate relief at the pump for families struggling in a weak economy. As gas prices across the country hit record highs this summer, Congress enacted legislation [H.R. 5473] to suspend further crude oil shipments to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). With the government no longer purchasing mass quantities of oil to fill the SPR, more supply was available on the market.

I also support the responsible release of a small portion of the oil available in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to further increase market supply and drive fuel prices down within days. Currently, the SPR is at over 97 percent maximum capacity with more than 700 million barrels in reserve. The Consumer Energy Supply Act [H.R. 6578] directs the Secretary of Energy to release and sell 70 million barrels of oil to be replaced later.

Responsible energy development here in the U.S should also be encouraged. In 2006 Congress opened an additional 8.3 million acres for offshore drilling. There are now over 68 million acres of public land and offshore areas that the oil companies are not developing. That’s why I support the DRILL Act to promote responsible drilling here at home. This legislation would require oil companies to either demonstrate that they are producing oil and gas or developing the means to do so, or return their leases to the government so that another company might have the chance to drill there. I also support responsibly opening portions of the Outer Continental Shelf for new drilling, with appropriate environmental safeguards.

But ultimately, we must transition away from our dependence on oil and toward greater use of clean, renewable energy sources. That’s why I recently voted in favor of a House-passed energy plan to promote efficiency and investing in renewable energy, and hope the Senate will soon follow suit.

Congress also recently approved tax incentives for renewable electricity, energy and fuel; as well as for plug-in hybrid cars and energy efficient homes, buildings and appliances. Over time, these incentives will create jobs and help consumers and businesses save billions of dollars on energy bills. Unfortunately, opposition from Senate Republicans is currently preventing this bill’s passage.
