Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 26, 2008
Letter in Support of Funding of the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Dear Chairman Visclosky and Ranking Member Hobson:

We are writing to express support for funding of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) and related electric transportation provisions in FY 2009 as authorized under the new Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA).  

This month the price of crude oil eclipsed $107 a barrel, setting yet another record high.  Meanwhile, America imports more oil from the Middle East today than we did before the September 11 attacks. Both our economic and national security are increasingly vulnerable to oil-rich nations run by governments hostile to American interests. Thankfully, Americans have the technological capacity and human and natural resources to meet this challenge head on. 

Funding for PHEV and related electric transportation provisions will help set America free from our debilitating addiction to oil, strengthen our security, preserve our independence, and energize our economy. 

Specifically, we suggest for FY 2009:

•    $180 million for EISA’s section 641 (six parts) on energy storage competitiveness. This section includes new programs for stationary and mobile energy storage and research and development for expanding electric transportation to new applications.

•    $40 million for demonstrations of light-duty and heavy-duty plug-in vehicles (EISA section 131(b)) as well as direct spending by the federal fleet to help launch plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles in all size categories.

•    $95 million for near-term transportation electrification program (EISA section 131(c)) which targets near-term petroleum savings by providing grants to reduce the up-front costs of various non-road electric drive vehicles, including electric forklifts, port electrification, and truck stop electrification. 

•    $10 million for electric transportation programs under EISA, including rulemakings, studies, education.

•    Funding of manufacturing incentives for PHEVs, battery EVs, advanced batteries and other components (EISA sections 132, 134, 135, and 136) at maximum levels permitted by the Budget resolution.

Thank you for your consideration of and leadership on this critical issue.
