Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players 

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Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players 

Related Topics on This Page

  • Introduction
  • Adobe Acrobat or PDF Forms/Files
  • RealPlayer and RealOne Player Streaming Video Clips
  • Saving Files Locally


When proprietary file formats are used, postings are listed with the corresponding file format and a link to this page is provided. Below you will find instructions for using the various file types as well as links to download free viewers that will work across multiple operating system platforms.

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Adobe Acrobat or PDF Forms/Files

Before attempting to read these files:

You may also wish to:

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RealPlayer and RealOne Player Streaming Video Clips

There are several streaming video clips on this site that can be played using RealPlayer (old name) or RealOne Player (new name) software. The RealOne Player "Basic" streaming video player is available for free; download the version of your choice here:

If you can't find the version you need, visit the RealNetworks download site.

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Saving Files Locally

When you click on a link to a non-HTML file, your browser may open the document in the browser window, open the document in its "native" (original) application automatically, or prompt you to save the file locally (on your hard drive). The action the browser takes depends on your local browser/application configuration. You will need to have the appropriate application or file viewer (see free viewers above) to view these documents.

  • If your browser automatically opens the document in its native application or reader, you will have the option to do a File/Save to capture the document to your local computer.
  • If your browser prompts you to download and save the file, simply choose an appropriate place on your local hard disk to store the file. You will want to carefully note the location you save to so that you will be able to find the file when the download is completed.

In addition, you can save a file by right clicking on the link, then clicking "Save Target As" (in Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (in Netscape), browsing to the appropriate drive and folder, and then saving the file.

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