U.S. Representative Sandy Levin
12th District of Michigan

For Immediate Release
November 17, 2005
Democrats Charge that Measure Shortchanged Education, Health Care, and Job Assistance

(Washington D.C.)- Today House Democrats united to defeat a damaging Republican Labor, HHS, and Education Conference Bill that sought to cut education, health and human services, and labor programs to pay for tax cuts for the very wealthy. Although the GOP Leadership held open the vote for 36 minutes to pressure members to change their minds, the conference agreement on the 2006 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations bill was defeated on a vote of 209 to 224, with all House Democrats and 22 Republicans voting no.  Congressman Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) lauded the bill’s defeat, calling it "a win for American families."

“Today the People’s House finally stood up for the American people,” said Congressman Levin. “The Republican leadership’s plan to slash vital services for Americans who truly need it and give the very rich additional tax cuts is disturbingly flawed.  These cuts would have made college less affordable, shortchanged children who need help with reading and math, and kept people in Michigan and across the country from getting help with high home heating costs this winter.”

In a setback for the GOP Leadership, the House voted to reject one of the major annual funding bills since the Republicans took over control of the House ten years ago. Overall the Labor/HHS-Education conference report cuts education, health care, job training, and human services by $1.5 billion below last year.  Democrats charged that the GOP spending bill shortchanged key programs that benefit working and middle-class Americans in order to help pay for the large tax cut bill that is scheduled for a vote in the House later this week. 

“I am disappointed that not one single Michigan Republican joined the 22 Republicans in voting against this bill,” said Levin. 

The Republican Conference Report included the following cuts [cuts are represented by amount below the FY 2005 Conference Report]:

• No Child Left Behind slashed by $724 million
• The digital divide gets larger as Educational Technology gets cut by $221 million
• Safe and Drug Free School Grants cut by $87 million
• Special Education shortchanged for 6.9 million children because funding is $4 billion below the Republican promise in the IDEA Improvement Act of 2004

• The Healthy Communities Access Program (HACP), which provides health care to the uninsured eliminated
• Rural Health Services slashed by $28 million (73 percent)
• Provides the smallest increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 36 years

• While millions of Americans remain unemployed, Employment and Training Activities cut $437 million
• Cuts programs to combat child and slave labor by over 20 percent, or $21 million

• While consumers are expected to pay 52 percent more for natural gas this winter, the GOP bill failed to increase funding for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP), which helps keep the heat on for low-income seniors and children

“It’s time for us to get our priorities right side up,” continued Levin. “The irresponsible fiscal policies of the Republican Leadership have resulted in such underfunding of key programs that it is splitting ranks among Republicans.  Today we fought for health care, education, and support for the American people and we won.”


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