Congressman Sandy Levin


Press Releases

For Immediate Release
April 27, 2006

(Washington D.C.)- In advance of the indicated May meeting of President Bush with the Big Three automakers, U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, outlined immediate concrete actions the Bush Administration can take to help strengthen the auto industry and its workers:

"While I am pleased with the indication that, finally, a White House meeting with the Big Three has been set for May, the President should demonstrate his commitment to action by taking concrete steps - all which have bi-partisan support - on a number of pressing issues in advance of the May meeting," said U.S. Rep. Levin. "In the face of 2.8 million lost manufacturing jobs, neither the auto industry workers nor the U.S. economy can withstand continued federal inaction."

The following four proposals have bi-partisan Congressional support and would send a message to our automakers, their employees, and their competitors that our government is committed to the future of manufacturing:

1. Send Congress a proposal for making the research and development tax credit permanent.  Manufacturing accounts for nearly two-thirds of privately funded research and development in the United States, and a stable tax credit is a critical part of research planning for companies.  White House leadership would help jump-start Congressional action on this issue.

2. Issue the Treasury Department's report on currency manipulation originally due April 15th.  Currency manipulation is one of the most serious issues facing our manufactures, including the automotive industry, when they export to China, as has been true with Japan.  A Department of Treasury report calling these practices for what they really are would help create a more level playing field.

3. Rescind the President's budget proposal to cut the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) by 58%. MEP has strong bi-partisan support because it gives thousands of small and medium size manufacturers the tools they need to grow sales and create jobs.

4. Make clear promptly in current negotiations of free trade agreements with Thailand and South Korea that no agreement will be undertaken that does not eliminate major non-tariff barriers to American-made manufacturing products, including automotive, or will be considered that negotiates any changes in an agreement, with a single nation rather than in a multilateral forum, American laws governing tariff schedules for light trucks. 


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