Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
July 30, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
House Passes Consumer Protection Regulation Overhaul
  Levin Says Tougher Protections Necessary in Light of Chronic Discoveries of Toxic Imported Toys and Other Unsafe Products
(Washington D.C.)- The House of Representatives today passed the most expansive overhaul of U.S. product safety rules in decades to bolster consumer protections from unsafe products.  The legislation, H.R. 4040, imposes sweeping new rules to make children’s toys and other products safer, increases penalties for rule violators, and strengthens the enforcement ability of the Consumer Product Safety Commission by providing the Commission more resources while cracking down on potential conflicts of interests that have tainted the organization recently.  The bill passed with near unanimous support, 424-1. 

“Recently we have seen a multitude of product recalls involving a wide range of imported products, from dangerous toys and baby rattles to tainted toothpastes and medicines.  The excessive number of faulty or toxic products entering our country is unacceptable,” said Congressman Sander Levin.  “Parents need to know that the products they buy for their children are safe.  The overhaul of federal safety standards approved today provides strong consumer protection to better ensure toys and other products are safe for consumers.”   

Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, dubbed 2007 “The Year of the Recall” after 45 million toys and other children’s products were recalled because of high levels of lead paint and other dangers.  In some cases these products led to injury or death.  In the first half of this year, recalls of toys and other children’s products are even higher than in the same period last year, up 29 percent. 

H.R. 4040:

•    Effectively bans lead in products intended for children under 12 years of age;
•    Mandates third party testing of toys and other children’s products before they are sold;
•    Requires mandatory safety standards for other children’s products such as cribs and strollers;
•    Prohibits the use of dangerous phthalates (a plastics softener found in many children’s products) in toys and child care articles;
•    Increases civil penalties for rule violators;
•    Establishes a public database where consumers can report and learn about dangerous products; and
•    Provides state attorney generals with the authority to enforce product safety laws.

The legislation also responds to recent reports of potential conflicts of interest at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The bill bans industry-sponsored travel by CPSC Commissioners and staff and includes other provisions that will help ensure the CPSC has the resources and authority to protect American consumers. The CPSC workforce has been slashed in half over past decades.  The legislation approved today will authorize significant budget increases, and provide expedited rulemaking.

To get information on recent product recalls, report unsafe products and sign up for email announcements on unsafe products, parents can visit
