Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 5, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
House Approves Measure to
Strengthen Mental Health Care
  Rep. Levin Supports Legislation to Strengthen Mental Health Coverage and Add Addiction Treatment
(Washington D.C.)-  The House of Representatives today passed legislation to strengthen mental health care and reduce barriers to treatment in the current health care system.  H.R. 1424, The Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act, was approved by a vote of 268-148.  The legislation permanently reauthorizes and expands the Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 to make mental health coverage and substance addiction treatment more accessible and affordable.

“When only 18% of Americans with a diagnosable mental illness are receiving the treatment they need, we know the current system is inadequate,” said Rep. Levin.  “This legislation seeks to eliminate the obstacles to mental health and substance addiction treatment so that the day-to-day reality matches our intention when we passed the Parity law in 1996 and people are getting the care they need.”

Under the current system, a person with health insurance coverage seeking mental health services may have to wait months to get an appointment with a practitioner in his or her insurance plan’s network, or have to pay excessively high out-of-pocket costs for mental health care.  This legislation prohibits health insurance companies that offer mental health benefits from requiring beneficiaries to pay more out-of-pocket than they would pay for physical and surgical health benefits.  The bill also requires insurance companies that cover mental health benefits to cover the entire spectrum of disorders so that treatment for conditions like substance abuse will be covered.  

“The barriers to access to mental health care are painfully clear to patients, their families, and their doctors and this legislation takes the specific steps necessary to remedy them,” said Rep. Levin.  “People experiencing severe mental illnesses routinely exceed the number of allowable visits to a health care provider, leading to financial hardship or insufficient levels of care.   This legislation seeks to eliminate discrimination, financial hardship and insufficient levels of treatment in our health care system.” 
